I can do this all day
The pic was inspired by this song: Captain America's Theme (from Winter Soldier) (Link)
Story by Prince_Borgon
Fighting for life was never a thing for Prince Borgon.
Not in terms of will, at least.
After years of training with Sir Cordiale the young dragon has indeed gained a lot of experience in this regard.
Also, his ancestral lineages have provided him with an instinct that is well suited to defense as well as attack.
However, Borgon's heart leaps every time he is forced to draw Arnoglossa for a serious matter.
The idea of seriously injuring or, worse, killing his opponent weighs heavily on his soul, and after all,
the dragon prince always prefers to use the way of the word first to solve thorny matters.
Anyway, do not think that Borgon isn't able to take a few hits!
Indeed, this is perhaps where an opponent might feel surprised.
Despite possessing considerable strength and good agility, Borgon's main qualities are endurance and resilience.
His calm mind rarely gives in to the excesses of anger, and his body, forged by hard training, shields his soul in an excellent way.
And so, if an unstoppable force were to threaten Valmeridia, it would be faced by an immovable object.
In Borgon's mocking words: "Planning to stay for the night? I can do this all day."
So, the making of this pic was quite funny. I sent Carduelis a selfie of me holding a lighter pointed at the camera as a ref for the pose and basically asked her to turn it into a sword.
I have to say it worked just perfectly, as you can see! ^^
Please take a look at the artist's gallery and give her support. She's very cool
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