dragonscape and etc created by thepatchedragon
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Yeah so normally I don't upload misc doodles onto e621 BUT there is an incoming lore change that I recently decided on and I know folks read the comic here on e621 so here is a doodle with that!

If the admins and mods here aren't cool with that, it's perfectly fine can remove the doodles but anywho, new canonical change coming in.

So first what is changing?

Going forward all drekir who do not already have feathers, fur, wool, or whatnot will start sprouting themselves some fur. This mostly applies to Temperate, Arid, and Foreign drekir. Though for the moment Arctic, Alpine, and Tropical drekir are unchanged as well as the subspecies such as Skyles Himir and Undercaves Onrir, who are far more specific cases.
So really the rest of the common drekir are now furry in their own ways! But before I specify that, here is the lore explanation

"The Furrening" and the Ëldimor rewilding phenomena

The loresite explains much of this deeper lore, but generally in the deeper lore of the Dragonscape The drekir, like the other species of sapient dragons, were mostly created by the sivilão. They were created to be pack animals, forcefully evolved and molded from a progenitor species known as the Ëldimor that were driven to extinction. This was all done by a powerful being known as the Prejarngalmõk, the hydra of a thousand mouths, this entity was the first central figure of the sivilão and existed from the rise of the sivilão and the extinction of the Ëldimor through to the Pulse. Or as it is known by the sivilão, Jãrsta. The prejarngalmõk was a powerful enough being to maintain and hold back Õndemic realities slow "rewilding" of the 3 new draconic species it had command over through it's sheer resonant power. Õndemic reality would slowly (but slightly) mutate the mutated followers of the Civilization Machine to states more resembling that of the progenitor species and so, the Prejarngalmõk kept it's powerful influence over the species, insuring they were as desired.

But then The Pulse/ Jãrsta happened and that fell apart.

After the apocalylptic pulse/Jãrsta the Prejarngalmõk would rip itself apart in a cascade of disagreements about what happened and why, slowly tearing itself apart into the many Prejager that live in the Dragonscape during the time of the Drekir Awakening. But this ripping apart of the Prejarngalmõk would have unforseen consequences on Õndemic reality. Without the Prejarngalmõks united power and control over Õndemic reality, and the existence of the fallen balãr presenting their own warping resonance in the sea of sound that is reality, that ability to keep the dragons from rewilding would slowly begin to dissipate over the next several centuries. This can already be seen in more intense environments even by the time of the Drekir Awakening 100 years after the Pulse but would slowly intensify over the decades.

We can refer to this as a "Re Ëldimification" or more simply and how I will say it, "Rewilding". As dragons not under the direct influence of a Prejag (IE, Not Sivilão) Will begin to regain some (but not all) of the long extinct progenitor Ëldimor. And the first real sign of this is Fur! Just like the lizards of old.

Think of it like how domestic pigs can quickly rewild and become quite feral... I mean minus the feral, you know what I mean.

"The Furrening" as I will call it, starts to take place around the 37-40PA period and is a stronger visual component of this "Rewilding" It is what it says, drekir who weren't already growing fur or feathers or wool start getting themselves a pelt! Of all the things that happen in the dragonscape it may be weird, but definitely not bad. There would be a lot of differing personal and cultural reactions of course though I am not gonna get into that here.

All drekir who are already alive will start sprouting it and all drekir who are under the age of 15 or uh, not existing at the time, will begin to grow fur when they are hitting puberty, between the ages of 15-19.

So lets talk some base traits

So of course for all drekir, while fur may be reasonable natural tones you can expect, it can also sport some rather unnatural tones that replicate or follow the tones of the primary scales. So a while a green arid drek may sprout some blonde, brown, gray, or reddish brown fur they could also sprout say, green fur that's a more desaturated and brighter color from their primary scaletone. If the dreks scales can be blue then I see no reason why the fur can't be a bit blue too. Though I will mostly keep it at highly desaturated tones, we don't want neon purple drek without some hairdye first.

Fur on all drekir, apart from arctic breeds and alpine breeds, will grow on the back of the head, neck and along the back.

Arid drek fur is going to be prone to being equal to or brighter than a dreks scales in color, relatively short and curly. Maximizing surface area on the fur to help deal with the sun and being bright in color to resist the heat.

Temperate drek fur is gonna be the opposite, generally darker or equal to the dreks primary scales in color, long and moppy. better suited for keeping water off and heat in without going all out like the arctics or alpines.

Foreign drekir such as Oli and most all colonial drekir technically are a blank drek and just as they can be about any color so too can their fur be long and straight of short and curly or fluffy and puffy. Comes more down to the individual drek

Alrighty that's all I got I have a man waiting to fight me outside be well

  • Comments
  • dont realy like fur for me the drekir have always been the reptiles i have seen ever since i started reading "the long hike" and i realy liked them. Then have them suddenly grow fur etc. realy realy throws me off

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  • terra1211 said:
    dont realy like fur for me the drekir have always been the reptiles i have seen ever since i started reading "the long hike" and i realy liked them. Then have them suddenly grow fur etc. realy realy throws me off

    Fair enough! Drekir of many breeds have already had fur, feathers, and wool and I don't think it's that much of a break to give the other ones fur. I like it and so I will do it.

    I've seen them more as reptilian chimeras than true lizards personally and that's the perspective I will work from.

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