nintendo and etc created by shoutingisfun
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  • Comments
  • gameguy82 said:
    Can someone explain the joke with that plane to me please?

    unfortunategod said:
    I also wish to know

    Some time ago there was a meme thing around of a simple game. The rule was simple, you just had to forget about the game and never think about it. People would make other people fail by just throwing "The game" into everything they could. The joke on the plane is a reference to this game, which we've now all lost

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  • my dear clients I give you the physical meaning of sex machine....truly the one the ONLY sex machine of very few on this site X3

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  • fluffking said:
    Some time ago there was a meme thing around of a simple game. The rule was simple, you just had to forget about the game and never think about it. People would make other people fail by just throwing "The game" into everything they could. The joke on the plane is a reference to this game, which we've now all lost

    Random AF but still funny

    Also Jeez he survived one of the scariest type of snu snu: A sexually frustrated 8ft dragon


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  • I would laugh if the dad was flying the plane, and the kid just flips him the bird and says "Yeah, fuck you too dad."

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  • fluffking said:
    Some time ago there was a meme thing around of a simple game. The rule was simple, you just had to forget about the game and never think about it. People would make other people fail by just throwing "The game" into everything they could. The joke on the plane is a reference to this game, which we've now all lost

    [Starts memory search]
    [No memory found]

    I'm fine...? I guess?

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  • Awww. Game aside, in that next-to-last panel, I'll bet he's thinking all that trouble was worth it.

    So nice to see her get her happy ending, and him rightfully feel like a real man for it.

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  • For years... for fucking years..... I hadn't thought about "The Game"... I was told about it, and the fact that I was now playing it for having heard the rules, and that was it. I hadn't thought about it since that moment. And then I read this comic. It's pretty good, nothing I'd get off to but certainly well made, and I get to the end. I expect the planes ribbon to say "The End", but it doesn't... it says "The Game".... I'm confused at first, I don't get it, but then deep inside me I feel a building rage that also confuses me. "Why do I feel mad?" I thought "what would make me so mad about the words "the game"". But then the memories return, like I'm fucking Light from Death Note, it all comes back to me screaming like a fucking half forgotten sleep-paralysis demon. Words can not convey how mad I am about this horseshit. I. Had. Won. The ultimate victory, I had forgotten The Game! To the point where I had nearly forgotten the words. Nice comic, keep up the good work.

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  • fluffking said:
    Some time ago there was a meme thing around of a simple game. The rule was simple, you just had to forget about the game and never think about it. People would make other people fail by just throwing "The game" into everything they could. The joke on the plane is a reference to this game, which we've now all lost

    How do you lose if you never even knew? By that standard I only now just lost and the first time I ever heard this was in 2009 so I'd say I'm sitting clear over a decade of winning... surely there's more to it

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  • voxylace said:
    How do you lose if you never even knew? By that standard I only now just lost and the first time I ever heard this was in 2009 so I'd say I'm sitting clear over a decade of winning... surely there's more to it

    Congratulations, you are now playing "The Game".

    The rules are as follows:

    1: Do not think of "The Game", if you think of "The Game" you lose.

    2: Upon loss of "The Game" you must announce that you have lost "The Game" to someone or those around you.

    3: If they do not know what "The Game" is, then politely explain the rules to them, they are now playing.

    4: Yes, they are.

    5: Try to forget "The Game".

    Repeat as necessary.

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  • silvanx said:
    Random AF but still funny

    Also Jeez he survived one of the scariest type of snu snu: A sexually frustrated 8ft dragon

    sexually fuckstrated*

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  • gameguy82 said:
    Can someone explain the joke with that plane to me please?

    Its a internet joke thats been around for awhile as part of an informal game played by anyone who knows of it.

    Rule 1. If you know of the game, you are now a part of it.

    Rule 2. If you lose the game, you must inform someone else of The Game's existance. Thus spreading it like a virus.

    Rule 3. The goal of The Game is to go as long as possible without thinking of it, if you fail then you lose and must begin again.

    Since I lost, I now have to inform you.

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  • Fuck I hadn't thought in the game for eight years straight.
    Good comic tho

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