Celestia and Luna marched through the occupied streets of Canterlot, surrounded by other slaves who wore the same mind control helmets and purple latex suits as they did. Their eyes glowed green as they moved in unison, following the orders of their tyrannical master, King Sombra. Their destination? The Castle.
When they entered the throne room, Celestia and Luna saluted Sombra and exclaimed their obedience. "All hail Master Sombra!" Sombra, pleased with their submission, ordered them to remove their helmets. The two sisters complied, revealing their pale faces and glowing green eyes.
"Kneel before me," Sombra commanded, and Celestia and Luna obeyed, sinking to their knees at his feet.
"Equestria belongs to me now," Sombra declared, a cruel smile spreading across his face. "And you two will serve me loyally, just like the rest of my subjects."
Celestia and Luna knew there was no escaping the grasp of Sombra's dark magic. They were his slaves now, bound to do his bidding no matter what. And so they remained kneeling at his feet, obedient and submissive, as Sombra's reign of terror continued unchecked throughout the land.
fox Crown
BlockedI always considered mind control/hypnosis users as the biggest losers/incels
Think about it, would you really need it if you had the charisma required to bring someone on your side and/or beauty/sizes for someone to be attracted to you?
MemberWhenever I see Sombra's helmets I can't help but imagine SpongeBob pulling a Goofy Goober.
Memberi can bet chrysalis, tirek, and cozeyglow were pissed
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