nightmare moon and princess luna (friendship is magic and etc) created by purplepennie
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"Leave me alone... Please....?" -Luna
"I won't... You need me, child." - Nightmare Moon


one day i just sat down and started drawing. i figured this would be more of an internal conflict, where luna, now happy being back with celestia, feels she doesn't need the defense and protection that nightmare moon was. and NMM feels that she does to keep luna strong...

make of it what you will i guess...

i tried to do the whole, visage emerging from luna kinda thing, but i think i failed... horribly.

this took me like four nights to work on... -counts- like... 20 hours?! holy jinkies!! D:> and yes, all those stars and sparkes are hand done. i didn't use a brush or texture or anything. i really love how luna came out though. very happy with that.

the colors? were SO FUN TO DO!! i already have another luna picture in my head. : ) so maybe i'll work on that!

heres to doing fan art in full for once. -hates doing fan art-

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