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Here's what I've been doing for the last month! A model commission for Egger, as well as an animation. Fella's been wanting something from me for quite a long time so I decided to tick him off as one of my pre-public-opening model commissions.

What were you even doing in there, lil' guy? And why naked? Honestly I think he got exactly what he wanted, maybe just... a lot more of it than he thought he'd be getting, hah. This is merely the first of what will I'm sure be many, many feedings for those tentacles. Hang in there, I'm sure someone'll come to help eventually!

  • Comments
  • ~wolfythewolf~ said:
    Wonder what happened to the rest of the crew X3
    Great animation though!~

    If you look closely, you can see a few of them in the tubes in the background. :P

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  • Super hot animation, though I really hope we get a looping version of this starting somewhere around 0:52. An endless tentacle milking loop would be incredible X3

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  • i like the pp physics. it does go into the body a couple of times though.
    and the animation of closing the doors seems a bit too fast... i get the urgency, but that's still a 360 degree turn, with closing a heavy door, in below a second...

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  • I think a good ending, would've been if the tentacles fully enveloped him and just, took him in

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  • The expressions, jolts, and panicked reactions in the opening are picture-perfect. The movements, hands scrabbling with lost grip against the door, absolutely sold.

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  • That got me so insanely hot and bothered. I've been a fan for a forever but this is by a long shot the fave piece I've seen.

    The detail, the expressions, everything. It hits all my buttons and more >w<

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  • So many great things about this animation, the detail with the toes curling has to be my favorite

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  • i thought the door would be something sci-fi and at least slide open but the fact that it's still on hinges is so fucking funny

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  • onioni said:
    i thought the door would be something sci-fi and at least slide open but the fact that it's still on hinges is so fucking funny

    There's actually a bit of a reason for that! This animation was based off an image sent to me by the commissioner, and in that image the door was wooden so that's what I went with initially. They explicitly wanted the door 'exploding into splinters' so that's what I did, but later on it was decided that the wooden door didn't really match the sci-fi aesthetic of the sciency/lab situation they wanted for the background, so we swapped it for a metal one. But at that point the animation was pretty heavily progressed and I didn't want to redo that chunk of it to make the door slidey so I just kinda left it.

    It's funnier this way anyway. :P

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  • This dude doesn't need to attend the Prometheus School Of Running Away From Things. His degree will materialize out of thin air!

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  • Great animation I love how smooth those tentacles are I'd love to see other characters in this situation like ratchet or rocket raccoon etc

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