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  • It would've had more impact if this was posted first, wait for people to complain how harsh Gilda is (even though they deserve it) then post the first one so then people would be like oh, she's not that bad after all.

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  • There are times when a bully suddenly has more fun abusing other bullies.

    Where they wanna tangle with someone who thinks they are tough, but not as tough as they are.

    Thus, the Anti-Bully comes around.

    Rare, but true.

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  • Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon: Petty picking on and light physical.

    Gilda: Attempt of murder, threatening to murder, and rape.

    How exactly is that just that two seven year olds are getting raped by a gryphon four time their size and claws sharper than knives?

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  • Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon: Petty picking on and light physical.

    Gilda: Attempt of murder, threatening to murder, and rape.

    How exactly is that just that two seven year olds are getting raped by a gryphon four time their size and claws sharper than knives?

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  • GA.McWeasel said:
    Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon: Petty picking on and light physical.

    Gilda: Attempt of murder, threatening to murder, and rape.

    How exactly is that just that two seven year olds are getting raped by a gryphon four time their size and claws sharper than knives?

    This was infact rather excessive at the moment. However, when they grow up, they could execute actions far more daft than light physical contact and childish taunts - and, I dare say, vandalism. Though Babs Seed was directly responsible for the destruction of the pumpkin chariot, the duo influenced it by manipulating her. And by Luna, it can absolutely go further (unlikely, but possible).

    With that said, I don't believe I'm the only one to say the following: respect is upon Gilda for once.

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