soggy (nintendo and etc) created by resachii
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Soggy wiggles

  • Comments
  • mairo said:
    Happen to have APNG version?

    no, is there a good way to go about it? I just saved it as a gif from the program I used

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  • resachii said:
    no, is there a good way to go about it? I just saved it as a gif from the program I used

    GIF is limited to 256 colors, so APNG with it's millions of colors would've just made stuff like the eyes look more lively and cute and body have less pixel shimmering.
    If your software doesn't have that, you would then need to export individual frames or lossless video and convert it after exporting. If it has absolutely no other option than GIF, I would almost suggest switching software completely.

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  • mairo said:
    GIF is limited to 256 colors, so APNG with it's millions of colors would've just made stuff like the eyes look more lively and cute and body have less pixel shimmering.
    If your software doesn't have that, you would then need to export individual frames or lossless video and convert it after exporting. If it has absolutely no other option than GIF, I would almost suggest switching software completely.

    ooo good to know thanks ^ ^ ill definitely use that in the future for when I want better quality, appreciate the tip

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