Tales from Malaka 1 - Chapter 1: Emma and Evan
The naked malinois stirred, as if he heard his name called from the entrance of a deep cave.
“Jacob? Would you like some coffee?”
Her melodious voice reassembled his thoughts. Thoughts of the previous night tumbled in. He smiled warmly.
“Yes, Emma. I would love some. Black. No sugar.”
He blinked at the morning light pouring into the bedroom. The bed shook as a muscular figure next to him rolled over. He grinned as the beefy husky propped himself up on his elbows and rumbled lustfully.
“Good morning, Evan,” Jacob greeted the big male.
“Well, would you look at that, Emma? He remembered our names!” The big husky laughed.
Jacob laughed nervously. He always had a hard time telling if others were joking or not.
Emma laughed as she leaned on the doorframe. “Coffee for you, Evan?”
“Please. My usual.”
Jacob looked around. The bedroom was as gigantic as the bed he laid in. Deep, dark wood paneling and massive, intricately-decorated oak furniture conveyed old-money wealth. The sheets they had sex on last night were unlike any he’d experienced before. Whatever thread count meant, this must have been the high-end material for sure. He remembered how it felt on his pawpads as he braced himself while on top of Emma, his knot planted firmly inside her as her legs wrapped around his taut rump. Creamy, almost. He remembered Evan’s paws on his rump, too.
And Evan’s penis. He felt himself getting hard again.
Evan noticed and, with a sly grin, began coaxing Jacob’s penis out of his sheath. He took it into his maw and slurped at it slowly. Jacob let out a breath he wasn’t aware he was holding and let the big husky pleasure him. He smiled as Emma re-entered the room and set a tray of mugs onto the nightstand. She slid onto the mattress and took turns with Evan, hungrily suckling on Jacob’s knot. The malinois felt the rising tide of climax and quickly shot his load onto both of their muzzles. He breathed quickly as the two huskies licked his seed off each other.
“You were incredible last night, Jacob.” Evan rumbled as he took his coffee and handed a mug of hot, steaming liquid to the malinois.
“That knot of yours is… perfect,” Emma added before sipping her drink. “But you should really get this checked out.” She reached down and traced a claw over Jacob’s left testicle, which was about twice the size of his right one.
“I… I have,” stumbled Jacob. “It’s a hydrocele. Just fluid build-up. The urologist won’t do anything until it’s… uh… about twice as big as it is now.”
Evan blinked. “Well, as long as it doesn’t bother you and it’s not… y’know… serious.”
“It sometimes aches and I can’t fit into some of my underwear, but I manage.” He felt grumpy, as he’d had this conversation a million times before with others. He could hardly get outwardly upset with them. The couple he’d just had fun with were gorgeous. Beautiful, fit bodies. Amazingly sensual. Stunning in their black and white fur, they were almost duplicates of each other, but in male and female form. Something flickered in the back of his brain, but the thought quickly died before it could fully form.
Showered and dressed, Jacob felt awkward as he said his farewells to the huskies in the front parlour. The house looked much bigger during the day. Classical? Ruscan Empire? His architectural knowledge was limited, but he knew that this is what money could buy if you had enough of it.
“How are you getting home?” Evan was buttoning up an expensive-looking dress shirt.
“Bus? I dunno.”
Emma clicked her tongue. “No… no. The nearest stop is too far away and the service is terrible on Sundays. I’ll get Charles to drive you home.”
Jacob felt embarrassed for some reason. Suddenly, he felt twelve years old and these were his parents making decisions for him.
“And sorry if it seems we’re rushing you out the door. We have a charity event this morning and would have definitely preferred more of what went on last night.” Evan pulled a necktie out of his pants pocket and began knotting it in a mirror on the wall. He stroked the long part of the tie sensually, making eye contact with Jacob.
“Ah yeah. I got a shift at the gym this afternoon so all’s good.” He looked down at his small, shiny nylon shorts and mesh muscle shirt. He was glad to be driven home. Riding the bus in club gear on a Sunday morning is always awkward, no matter how many times he’s done it.
“Okay. Charles is on his way with the car. Should be in the carriageway in a few minutes,” Emma looked up from her phone. “And when can we see you again, Jacob?”
The malinois smiled toothily as he checked for his own phone in his pocket for the tenth time. “I have a weird work schedule but yeah… let’s stay in touch.” He reached up and rubbed his opposite shoulder. “I had fun.”
“Bye for now, Jacob.”
In the back seat of the large, black limo that Charles piloted expertly down the leafy tree-lined streets, Jacob recounted the previous evening. He wasn’t even looking for a hook-up at the club last night. One of his fave DJs was spinning that night at Doctrine and he was lost in a musical trance on the dance floor. He noticed the two huskies and how they moved closer to him once they made eye contact. At one point, Emma put a claw on the underside of Jacob’s chin and played with his goatee before drawing him into a kiss. He could feel Evan’s paws on his bare torso and soon he was dancing between them. He doesn’t remember what words were spoken but the next thing he remembered was being right here in the back of this limo, getting his penis slobbered on by the pair. His shorts were in his paw as they stumbled into the front door of their mansion and they spent the next few hours screwing each other before collapsing into a deep sleep.
And now he was here.
“Charles? Can you drop me off at Montevista Square instead? I don’t think this car will fit down my alley.”
“Indeed, sir.”
Jacob felt embarrassed riding in this ridiculously expensive vehicle. At Montevista Square, he quickly padded away, looking around for anyone who might know him, but the square was mainly deserted on this Sunday morning. He ducked into Marcellus Alley and half-ran to the heavy wooden door of his apartment building. Up three flights of stairs and one more heavy door later, he slipped inside, hoping that Lutetia, the actual renter of this apartment, was still asleep.
The apartment was quiet. Jacob breathed a sigh of relief and stripped off his mesh sleeveless shirt. Putting his phone and keys onto the small table by the door, he peeled off his shorts and balled them up in his paws. He padded naked into his bedroom and quietly shut the door. He figured he could get in a couple more hours of sleep before they expected him at the gym he worked at on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. He moved towards the window and looked down at the various moto-bikes parked alongside the buildings. Buying one was a bit out of reach for him, financially, but it would make his life a helluva lot easier.
He ran a paw down the front of his rock-hard abs. He knew full well why Emma and Evan picked him up last night. He had a taut, finely-sculpted physique that made him attractive to all genders. It meant he rarely went home alone, but mostly meant he went home with others. Bringing one-night stands back here was complicated at best.
Sighing, he curled up onto his bed and set an alarm on his phone before plugging it in. It had only 9% left on the battery. The sheets weren’t nearly as luxurious as the ones he slept on last night, but they did smell like him. This gave him comfort as he drifted into a deep, if short, sleep.
At the gym later that day, Jacob grumbled as he attempted to repair the rigging on one of the lifting racks. He dropped a bolt, making him curse. Bending over to pick it up, he could hear someone approach from behind.
“Now, that’s what I call an ass-tastic view.”
Jacob wagged and wiggled his rump before standing up. “Marcus, you have such a way with words. I can’t believe you’re still single.”
“Monogamy is for suckers.”
“That’s my Marcus.”
“I can give you a paw with that. I fixed it last month. And the month before. I wish they’d just replace this thing.”
“Ah yeah. Thank ya.”
“Say. What are you doing Saturday afternoon? The catering company needs an extra barkeep at some big fancy event. I’ll be working the bar and I could use the help.”
Jacob checked the calendar on his phone. It was remarkably event-free next Saturday. “Count me in. I’m saving up for a moto-bike.”
“Ooo. Look at you. Getting all responsible and shit. I hardly know you, Jacob.” The big shepherd slapped a beefy paw on Jacob’s shoulder. Jacob wasn’t sure if Marcus was joking or not, but he managed a stifled laugh.
Monday was a double-shift at the coffee shop. Tuesday never seemed to end as the gym manager asked Jacob to stay late to deep-clean the showers and give him a blow job while still on the clock. Wednesday was annoying. He had a temp assignment at a food processing plant and came home smelling like fish. Thursday was another shift at the gym. No blow job this time. On Friday, he helped Marcus move some furniture around his apartment before the two ended up fucking on the sofa. They always fucked on the sofa. Never in bed. Some kind of weird boundary Marcus had. Jacob loved getting his rump filled with Marcus and secretly wished they’d go on some kind of vacation together where they spend the whole time screwing each other’s brains out.
But that would be against the rules. Marcus’ rules. Marcus was allergic to anything that resembled commitment.
And Jacob was just fine with that.
The next day, dressed in stunningly white dress shirts and black bow ties, Marcus and Jordan wiped glasses and counted bottles at the temporary outdoor bar set up on the terrace of a private club. Guests were beginning to filter in and they’d served a few flutes of champagne, but it was still early before they’d get busy. Jacob was happy about the extra income and even happier that he got to bartend. Serving food gave him anxiety for some reason. He liked to flirt with guests, especially the older women who would catch sight of his brawny forearms and put a few extra coins in the tip jar.
Jacob was preoccupied with pulling another case of wine out from under the bar when he heard a familiar voice.
“Fancy seeing you here.”
He looked up. Emma and Evan were smiling down at him as he wrestled the case of wine out. He smiled back and stood.
“My friend asked me to help out here today, so here I am.” Jacob wagged happily as Marcus looked on.
“It’s good to see you again, Jacob. I do hope you are keeping well.” Evan adjusted his necktie and discreetly gave it a stroke before winking at Jacob.
“It’s been… busy. Say. We should, uh, connect soon.”
“If you’re free on Friday, you could join us on our boat.”
Jacob’s mind raced. He was already forming lustful thoughts in his head. Their three naked, intertwined bodies luxuriating in the sun and sea spray. His sheath stirred under his dress pants.
“I’d love that.”
“Splendid,” Emma replied with a toothy grin. “We shall be in touch.”
The huskies drifted back into the mingling crowds as Marcus gave Jacob a hard stare.
“You… you know them?” Marcus stammered.
“Uh, yeah. They picked me up at Doctrine last weekend. Fucking hot three-way. I came three times.”
Marcus grinned toothily. “Oh. My. Gawds. You had sex with The Twins?”
Jacob’s mind did a short-circuit. His eyes looked immediately distant. He felt like he was about to vomit.
“Twins? Like, brother and sister?” Jordan gripped the bar. He looked like he was about to pass out.
Marcus laughed long and loud. A couple of the guests turned to look. “Oh shit, man. That look on yer face! No, they’re not related. They just got that nickname because they look so much alike. Oh fuck. It was worth it seeing you die inside just now.”
“I hate you, Marcus.”
“Love you too, Jacob. Ha. Evan and Emma Vignola are filthy stinking rich. I see them at practically all these big charity events. They like to donate. Seems like they also like to take pity on dirt-poor, physically attractive mutts like you.”
“Fuck you, Marcus.” Jacob threw a damp towel at the shepherd and let out a sly smile.
Marcus licked his chops. “Gladly.”
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