Tied up Tuesday has become a traditional at The Stable, when willing clients with outstanding bills can sign up to be used by whoever is in the bar for a cheap $20 per use. Funnily enough this option is the most popular for clients with debt, almost no one volunteers to wash dishes as the alternative. Brush pockets all the money to pay off the outstanding debt and keeps the extra for herself, so she likes this option best too. Casey always enjoys the free show as well.
Not all the staff are happy about it though, Pixie can usually be found skulking around the bar distracting clients for her own use.
From left to right: Pixie with Silverhorsey(on Fa)'s mare, Fledge and Pyro_Wolfie
(front bottom left), Freedom228(on Fa)'s mustang checking out Steppenfire(on Fa), Madam Brush counting her money, ResShadow(on Fa)'s Kostya giving the knot to Lunarmagic(on Fa)'s Ithilwen while Jakebay(on Fa) hits her from behind and Casey the bartender enjoys the show.
Well this was a super fun piece, thanks for everyone who bid and snagged a spot! <3 Definitely want to do some more of these stable themed YCHs.
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