dixie (the fox and the hound and etc) created by marcushunter

Who's the lucky one who got a backstage, all-access pass to this diva dog's paws? I'm so jealous!

When I posted a journal asking what people wanted to see more of, one of the suggestions I got was paw stuff with Rule 34 characters. Another one I got was more Disney characters. So I chose to combine the two and give a paw pic of Dixie, because there can always be more Dixie <3

Tried to do several different things here. I wanted to practice perspective. I also wanted to do a pic with a more-than-basic-but-still-not-complicated background. I tried to play with lighting a bit as well, hence why I attempted to make the front of the pic lighter than the back. Don't know how well I did with that, but I think I got the effect of floorboards down pretty well.

Still trying to get back into full colored pics. The only problem is that it is so time consuming, so I need to work on cutting down the time. I've noticed that if I get the lines and flat colors done in one day, then I can complete a single character pic in just two more days. Still, the amount of hours that it takes is too much right now. Need to get faster.

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