Ever since I started playing around in Blender, I've amassed such a large collection of assets that I was having real trouble choosing which one to use next.
So I chose all of them.
Sources in order are:
Intro/Outro Gardevoir by WarfareMachine
Renamon by Kekitopu
Coco by Akko Arcade
Gardevoir by Cumminham
Umbreon by KrisKawaii
Lucario by KrisKawaii
Scorbunny by KrisKawaii
Gardevoir by AndyPurro
Loona by KrisKawaii
Lopunny by Cumminham
Leggy by Cumminham
Lola by Tyviania
Lopunny by Highwizard
Spyro by Kayla Fox
Vaporeon by Moist Detected
Guilmon by Furromantic
Renamon Kespr, modded from A Large Wooden Badger's original
Loona by HighWizard
Renamon by WarfareMachine
Hatte by Cumminham
Scorbunny by Valorlynz
Flamedramon by Furromantic
Cherry by HighWizard
Isabelle by HighWizard
Ankha by HighWizard
Scorbunny by VidaVoxel
Lola by Terraxy
Diane by Furromantic
Krystal by DogZeela
Lola by TGTF234
Lucario by Furromantic
Toriel by DogZeela
Asriel by WarfareMachine
Mal.0 by Cumminham
Death by Valorlynz
Renamon by DogZeela
Tawna by Telehypnotic
Loona by AeridicCore
Tasque by Furromantic
Tasque by MipsMiyu
Tasque by Willow Void
Glamrock Chica by luiske476
Circus Baby by Lewdporter
Glitchtrap by luiske476
Vanny Shortstack by luiske476
Toy Chica by G30DAT
Security Puppet by luiske476
Roxy by Terr_Axy
Meowscara by Coel3D
Meloetta by Xaz3D
Vapunnymon by WarfareMachine
Lugia by EVOV1
Charizard by EVOV1
Feraligatr by EVOV1
Blaziken by Endless Illusion
Aggron by DogZeela
Lucario by Valorlynz
Goodra by Coel3D
Salazzle by Valorlynz
Lucario by Shiapra
Arbok by idsaybucketsofart
Vaporeon by Xaz3D
Lopunny by WarfareMachine
Goodra by BlueJuicyJuice
MemberLucario at 0:14 is the best lucario model I've ever seen. I mean, they're all beautiful, but that one just stuck out to me.
MemberThe me!me!me! Instrumental
MemberOh my
MemberI love how all of these are female characters and then there's Death.
MemberGotta get the buff wolf in some how
MemberI wish I was smart enough to learn blender or SFM so I could use these models too..
Memberthat model was made by furromantic
MemberGood news, You are!
Memberholy shit. how much did you pay for all these
MemberHey I recognize the vaporeon girl at 0:07
user 1464410
MemberAlmost every Yiff icon in a single video.
MemberTime to bloat up all search queries with this single vid
MemberBless the poor uploader who had to put all those tags on this post.
MemberWew that aggron model. Haven’t seen that one before, but thats a good one.
MemberThe progression of gettin Thicccc
minus azz
MemberEveryone is here!
MemberImpressive, very nice, let's see Paul Allen's blender assets
MemberDamn good models.
MemberI appreciate that, but sadly I am not... I wish I was.
MemberVery nice
MemberOkay I was going to post high res renders of each shot but I realise now that would take forever and just not look that great overall.
So here's a list!
Intro/Outro Gardevoir by WarefareMachine
Renamon by Kekitopu
Coco by Akko Arcade
Gardevoir by Cumminham
Umbreon by KrisKawaii
Lucario by KrisKawaii
Scorbunny by KrisKawaii
Gardevoir by AndyPurro
Loona by KrisKawaii
Lopunny by Cumminham
Leggy by Cumminham
Lola by Tyviania
Lopunny by Highwizard
Spyro by Kayla Fox
Vaporeon by Moist Detected
Guilmon by Furromantic
Renamon Kespr, modded from A Large Wooden Badger's original
Loona by HighWizard
Renamon by WarfaremMachine
Hatte by Cumminham
Scorbunny by Valorlynz
Flamedramon by Furromantic
Cherry by HighWizard
Isabelle by HighWizard
Ankha by HighWizard
Scorbunny by VidaVoxel
Lola by Terraxy
Diane by Furromantic
Krystal by DogZeela
Lola by TGTF234
Lucario by Furromantic
Toriel by DogZeela
Asriel by WarfareMachine
Mal.0 by Cumminham
Death by Valorlynz
Renamon by DogZeela
Tawna I have no idea where I got this from
Loona by Aeridicore
Tasque by Furromantic
Tasque by MipsMiyu
Tasque by Willow Void
Glamrock Chica by luiske476
Circus Baby by Lewdporter
Glitchtrap by luiske476
Vanny Shortstack by luiske476
Toy Chica by G30DAT
Security Puppet by luiske476
Roxy by Terr_Axy
Meowscara by Coel3D
Meloetta by Xaz3D
Vapunnymon by WarefareMachine
Lugia by EVOV1
Charizard by EVOV1
Feraligatr by EVOV1
Blaziken by Endless Illusion
Aggron by DogZeela
Lucario by Valorlynz
Goodra by Coel3D
Salazzle by Valorlynz
Lucario by Shiapra
Arbok by idsaybucketsofart
Vaporeon by Xaz3D
Lopunny by WarefareMachine
Goodra by BlueJuicyJuice
Memberwhat bout the fnaf models?
MemberWhat an absolute Chad! Their comment disserves much more likes.
MemberA lot of them are free, or are available from a single creator via their Patreon
Memberwithout listening halogen - U got that. every move on this video was that song playing in my mind. and yeah all was cute sexy and really art style to admire just should be so many thanks for who create the character animation. (Y)
user 1019846
MemberSo much good stuff
BlockedSo many tags. ^w^
MemberWish there was more time to look at each of them, but I guess that gives me incentive to rewatch it.
MemberHow much time passed away from the viral video of "mememe"?
Pic Saver 6000
Membere621 All Stars
MemberThe cool thing is, you are. Just takes effort and time, like a lot of things in life. If you really want to, you can.
MemberThought i was the only one
Memberchyba dojdę
MemberBro just posted the best 3d furry models
MemberNow all we need is an orgy.
MemberWho was the one who actually animated this whole thing?
MemberNo male? ;-;
MemberI would love to have these in figurines
user 235958
MemberBackground music should be, Move Your Feet
Song by Junior Senior.
MemberLearning blender is the easy part, finding downloads for half of these is the hard part
MemberHow i donwload those models
MemberNot all heroes wear capes.
MemberI actually have an amazing idea from this video. Hmm...
Memberppl with tf kinks (me) be like
MemberHere for the tags
MemberSurprsingly, Atlantis by Decoded Feedback (from the 2000 album Mechanical Horizon) fits well.
MemberHigh props for leaving the model sources
Sesu Fox
MemberDo you have a discord server?
Memberdon’t remember this in the Michael Jackson‘s “Black or White” music video.
user 1509164
MemberW for the tagger bro 💀
MemberGot damn bro the Lucario, Toriel, Lugia, Ferligator, Blaziken , Charizard, Aggron, Lopunny And Gardevoir are fucking amazing
MemberLet us thank this artist for providing a checklist for all the most important SFM and Blender models, and what artists to annoy with messages in order to collect them like Pokemon
user 1147458
MemberO M G you just had the best Idea ever!!!
Membermostly because they kinda are pokemon. most of them.
user 307081
MemberThe Evolution of Blender/SFM Models.
Note: TBH, i like the Pokémon, Digimon and FNaF ones.
gleebius dooblesnorb
Membernew smash bros game just dropped
MemberI would sell my soul
MemberIncredibly amazing altogether!!~ 🐲❤❤❤
Reeces pieces
MemberThere is a common theme of big, soft, pillowy tits so it still fits
Pronominal Terra
MemberThe post description is like a works cited on a college essay
user 1723781
MemberThe staples of the internet. for some.
very str8 wulf
Tupu Tamae
MemberIdk if anyone will get it, but I only hear:
"Modelame asi dame tu
pose pose pose pose
pose pose pose pose"
MemberSmash or pass, let's go... smash, smash, smash, smach... now this one also a smash, smash, smash, define smash, an other smash, smash, smash.
MemberMe if I had bank. (I don't.)
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