Blixtin let out a sigh, mulling over the object she held in her hand. The rune engraved collar ‘gifted’ to her by Shade a long while before, after one of her first run-ins with magical siphoning. He’d augmented it, told her ‘if she ever wanted to be in that situation again, but in a more controlled context’, or something to that effect. She’d scoffed and tossed it aside within her chambers, never thinking about it again, at least, until this moment.
Her most recent exploits had her so heavily conflicted as of late, her body seeming to desperately desire something her mind had shunted for so many years now. She vaguely remembered a time before where she indulged these feelings, but could she really do so again? She was a proud, powerful Uni-drake, as far back as a majority of her memory recalled, outside of her upbringing. She had so much capability, so much strength, yet…she always did happen to find herself in these situations. Biting off more than she could chew as the saying went, or at least making it seem that way. Her body almost seemed to beg for it, something even in the back of her mind longing for it. To give in, let go of her ‘high and mighty’ status. To simply enjoy being made into something much lesser than her current status, even if only for a moment.
She shuddered as she thought about it, her hand tightening against the collar in her hand. She couldn’t, she wouldn’t dare. She was a powerful, elite member of the guild. She brought in so many bounties, she took down so many powerful creatures. She was the storm incarnate, a force of nature…
So then why did the mere thought of being played with like a toy make her heart flutter so strongly? Why had her face stayed flush since she began thinking about this…why was her room so hot, it was the middle of winter…
Her eyes stayed fixed on the collar, gripping it tight, but also beginning to caress it. She could prove her strength right now…she could put it away…or better yet, even destroy it. She could blast this enchanted object to the wind and be rid of this teasing feeling in her bosom…but she shuddered as she thought about how tight it could restrain her if she just put it on…how firmly she’d be held, how little she could move or even say. She groaned softly, the heat in her room seeming to only increase, despite her being entirely nude, as she thought about how EEASily Cordelia had worked her over…how she had taunted her…how she had…
Before she could stop herself, her hands had pressed against the back of the metallic collar, the rune against it separating the seemingly solid loop to instead be fully open. It bended as she wrapped it around her neck, shivering as the steel dug into the soft tufts of fur. She pressed against the rune again and the collar almost seemed to ‘click’ into place, her mind racing as she fully comprehended what she’d just done. Her fingers were already instinctively wrapping around the metal, tugging on it as she huffed heavier when she couldn’t immediately force it to break. She felt her mana start to get siphoned into it, her body shivering again as the familiar feeling ignited even further heat within her core. Within moments she could hardly get out a soft gasp before latex burst from the collar proper, a bubble forming around Blix’s head before collapsing down upon it, a mass of latex shoved into her open maw before it squeezed tighter and tighter around her equine muzzle.
She groaned, falling onto her back as her hands instinctively pressed against the newly formed hood, trying to remove it as the lack of air rapidly began to become apparent. She huffed and groaned out with what little she had, cursing Shade for a few moments before two holes appeared over top of Blix’s nostrils. She sucked in deep needed gasps of air as best she could through the slits, barely getting enough to sate her softly burning lungs, but getting enough to at least no longer feel like she was entirely suffocating. ‘Unfortunately’ through that whole process though, her hands had rapidly gotten coated in the latex flowing from the collar itself. Before she could regain any form of composure she felt her hands and arms get yanked hard behind her back. She shook and spasmed upon the ground, arching her back and shaking from side to side, her open bare scaled chest jiggling as two little nubs began to make themselves known from within her bosom. Her nipples poked free as her arms rapidly felt like they were held by a tight restricting arm bind. Leather straps then seemed to form around it and pull tight around her body, a harness beginning to wrap around and hug all of Blix’s tight slender curves as she groaned again and shook violently. T-this was a bit much, she could hardly breath, hardly make a sound! And she MRFFed as the harness tightly SQUEeezzed against her chest, pushing out her bust all the more prominently as flowing leather attached itself to her collar, creating a full harness now that wrapped around and between her bust, over her back and connected to her binder, before wrapping under her bust as well to complete the circuit. It squeezed her body ohhh so firmly, and she groaned out and kicked her powerful legs in a futile attempt at resistance, trying to dig her hooves into the floor to work her way up from the ground even if she could no longer hope to push up with her hands.
All this did was create a dulled clopping noise against the ground, as Blix HRMFFFFED into the gag with some form of plea for assistance. Her body was so, so very hot now, her face under the hood feeling like it was all on fire. And it only got worse as she felt leather begin to form from the bottom tip of the binder and wrap around her upper thighs. She GRMFFED as she felt a LARGE thick object plunge it’s way into her folds, a dildo of what felt like mammoth proportions, her sex barely able to contain it as she groannned and GMFFEd as one equally as large pressed it’s way into her rear end as well. She shook violently against the floor, banging her legs all the harder against it as she kicked and spasmed as the objects pressed inside. They’d go deep, what almost felt like too deep, before the leather harness seemed to wrap itself back around her thigh, and the two objects ‘locked’ in place with tight leather harness straps, leaving Blix to huff hot, steamed air out the small holes within her hood. T-this, this was so much, s-so much, she couldn’t. She didn’t, she needed to g-get out, she needed-
She let out a MRRFFFF of protest as she felt the few limbs left to her suddenly get a slick wet feeling flowing across them, her legs snapping down to a tight I shape as a heavily squeezing leg binder formed fully around them. She shook back and forth wildly, wriggling against the floor as her legs were tightly secured, and groaned as the material climbed its way all the way up to her upper thigh. It squeezed her shapely legs so tight they formed a slight bulge where her thick legs pushed out the top of the binder, and she groannnnned loudly as her wings seemed to get ‘locked’ against the floor, metal bands forming against the joins as they were pinned completely to the ground.
The uni-drake would huff and mrff and shudder all over at this point, her body so firmly pinned, her mana drained to make it all happen so she couldn’t summon up the strength to resist. At least…that’s what she told herself anyway. But she knew she had more strength within her…she was a powerful uni-drake after all, dragonic and equine strength flowed through her entire being. B-but…she, she didn’t want to escape, not yet at least. T-this was all so much, so tight, so restricting. She could just barely breath, her lungs burning, but only softly. She was never at risk of unconsciousness, but every bit of her senses were heightened to their maximum extent. She couldn’t see, she could hardly hear, all she could taste was thick balled and filling latex all the way to the back of her mouth. She felt every press of the latex, every creak of the leather as she tried to move, every restricting tug as it all held her tightly in place.
And she especially felt the pinch as she let out a muffled cry of surprise as her prominent fully erect nipples were pierced with two metal prongs, clamps digging into them before a cord seemed to pull itself taught against the ceiling. She gasped and groaned as it was tightened, so much so that she was forced to try and arch her back even further to try and get any form of relief from the powerful tug. Worst still, the cords seemed to be connected, making it so if she relaxed on one side of her arch, the other breast would get yanked all the harder as she’d mewl out huffing muffled whinnies from her hood.
S-she, this, w-was all, so much. She groaned and huffed and wiggled violently, feeling the clamps yank on her nipples and her breasts tug upward at her motions. She c-couldn’t handle this, s-she was already so hot, so incredibly hot, s-she’d been thinking about this so long, since Cordelia, since getting edged and not getting relief. She could feel herself so close now, so desperately close. But, w-would she cum? Was she allowed to? The large objects within her holes all sat largely inert, they didn’t even seem to buzz. H-had Shade intended this? Was she just supposed to sit like this? Lay, like this? Hot, needy and desperate. S-she…she didn’t like this, did she? She wanted out! ….d-didn’t she?
She groaned and gasped as the yank on her nipples only seemed to increase, her mana seeming to get drained even faster now as she let out a huffy moan and gasp. Her face was hot, her body was hot. Every part of her was so, so very hot. She started to feel light headed, her blood pumping so fast, the air barely keeping her going through the slits in her hood. She huffed, and she whined, her head spinning, body shaking. She’d never been like this so long before, been so utterly destroyed for so long. She’d experienced a slew of humiliating situations in her life to this point, but this. She was so utterly defeated, so completely at the mercy of this artifact. She couldn’t think, it just kept compounding. Her struggles only made the feelings all the more powerful. The tight leather digging into every part of her shapely form as her nipple only seemed to get more and more tender as time went on. She could hardly even kick her legs at this point, having to use them to push her body that much higher as she moaned and shook and jerked so powerfully. She screamed and hardly made a sound as sparks began to form around the crystals upon her body.
And then her mind went white as the collar flashed a powerful purple hue, queuing her body being drained of its mana completely. It was only for a moment, her mana being limitless after all, but as it did so, the dildo in her crotch and her butt sparked to life. They hummed at a very powerful vibration instantly, causing Blix to immediately rocket her crotch upward to the sky, before that yanked down her chest and pulled her nipple incredibly hard. She screamed, a powerful, ancient whinnying roaring scream, as she came harder than she felt she’d ever had before, the dildo’s almost seeming to intake her mirth and absorb all of it as the collar flashed a vibrant purple light. Sparks flew off the kirin’s entire form as it shuddered, shook, and jerked as hard as it could within the restraints, arching over and over with continual bellows from the kirin before finally collapsing hard back onto the floor. Blix’s chest heaving as she groaned and moaned in the strongly felt afterglow.
As her body collapsed, the cord hooking her to the ceiling detached, and the clamps flowed back into mana and pulled off her body. She’d huff and she’d puff as hard as she could, before feeling the hood begin to melt away from her face, and she’d suck in the first of many deep breaths as the rest of the restraints melted off her person. They flowed back into the collar, the runes ignited in purple energy as each and every restraint flowed itself into its own separate rune. They’d then all go dormant as the collar would pop off Blix’s neck, coming to rest against her bust as she groaned and huffed and whined a long, satisfied whinny. She let a shudder flow through her body as it quivered softly from the remaining feeling, as her eyes would close for a moment as she fully processed all that had transpired.
She had no words for what she was feeling. Conflicted was one, but at the same time, how could she even say she was? Her mind might not want to admit it, but her body loved every single moment of that experience. The rush, the adrenaline, the weakness. No longer did she have to be the powerful Uni-drake Blixtin. She was just a carnal force, a need filled creature, and she’d gotten off so hard that if it weren’t for the collar, she was likely to have destroyed the entirety of her room, if not the whole guild hall.
She huffed and shuddered again as she thought about it, her mind grappling with everything it just experienced. She was powerful, she was important, but…she loved that. She couldn’t deny it any longer, she loved that a lot. And she couldn’t help but let out a private little whinnying moan as she thought back to it, a sheepish smile spreading across her face as she let her hands rub against her temples.
She was a powerful, near goddess level force of nature…and she loved being made into the exact opposite of all that…
She huffed, and rubbed the end of her nose softly. Even if that all is true…she couldn’t let anyone else know that…even if she was sure some of her close friends likely already did, and were just letting her figure it out on her own…the wider world didn’t need to know. She was one of the pillars of this guild, a powerful protector and capable warrior. She couldn’t have anyone knowing she liked this…especially if any of the individuals that wanted to capture her knew about this…
She blushed hard and squirmed upon the floor for a few moments, huffing at the thought of getting taunted about this new revelation by a less than savory individual. She hated how much that excited her. She hated how much that made her almost want to not keep this all a secret…But she smacked herself a few times and squirmed a bit more before pushing herself into a sitting position. She knew of many that would likely give her an outlet for this, and she had to admit it felt better when a friend was doing it anyway, even if it wasn’t direct like with this collar…But, heck, she squirmed all the more, before shaking herself and working herself back to the ‘high and mighty’ persona. This was her burden to bear, her ‘achilles heel’ if you will, and she would keep it under wraps as much as she possibly could…
She gave one look at the collar now sitting in her lap, her eyes drifting past her bust to give it a long, long stare. She perked up her ears, pointing them about to see if anyone was making their way to her quarters. She didn’t hear a single sound, and she breathed softly, her heart fluttering once more as her hands wrapped around the collar once again.
She pressed against the back of it once more, and it would ‘pop open’ yet again, glowing brightly as if anticipating exactly what she planned to do. O-one more session wouldn’t hurt…she did need to make absolutely sure she liked this after all…
MemberI like the effort u put in to this
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