bea, grunt, and rocket grunt (team rocket and etc) created by seepingooze
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Series I commissioned from seepingooze. I really appreciate their help in making this series so far. You can find more of their work here and here And follow their Twitter here:

Sorry for the delay on this one. I have just not had the energy to write for a while.

Anyway, this is the end of Volume one of the comic. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did writing it.

I have hope we will see volume two sometime but in the meantime I plan on writing a text-only intermission from the perspective of the Galarian branch of Team Rocket.

The full story so far with art can be found here

Special thanks again to Seepingooze for their spectacular art and for putting up with my head madness.


"Come on! Just one little egg. I stuffed my pillow with dozens last night, but now I'm all blocked up. Why!?"

The weight bench rocked violently as over ten inches of tail meat slammed inelegantly into Bea's gushing quim. Despite her love box jolting with ecstasy with every jackhammer thrust of her tail, her cheeks were streamed with thick tears. Her eyes soullessly stared into the void as fatigue ate away at the corners of her vision. Bea gritted her teeth as overused muscles uncomfortably contracted in her gut. Bea rammed her ovipositor home one last time, more out of habit than any real hope.

Bea's back flexed as another shallow climax pulsed from her groin and the base of her tail. Her fingers pressed firmly into the bench's leather padding, preying to feel movement from the tight, tingling mass that now took up so much of her insides. Bea yelped as the muscle at the base of her tail jolted, only to whimper in disappointment as a few thin slime shots were disgorged into her already creampied hole.

"Damn it!"

Bea had been masturbating for hours and had suffered many such orgasms. Each one was just as depressingly weak as the uncomfortable tightness in her abdomen kept growing. More than a day ago, any of them would have left her catatonic with bliss, but now her re-engineered body could handle so much more. It wasn't the sawblade delirium Bea got from a string of ovum ripping through her urethra. To her humiliation, she had become addicted to that mind-obliterating gush of eggs and musky fem cum.

Her pussy squelched as she extracted her bug cock. Warm goop oozed slowly out, much much more viscous than human semen. Her tail genitalia had made a decent enough flesh dildo stretching her out nicely. Still, not a single egg emerged from her slit. Bea's mutated reproductive tract had withheld the treasured orbs, despite her willingly offering her muscular vulva as a sanctuary.

Bea had tried psyching herself up, imagining her belly growing fat with spawn. She figured her womb would serve well enough if she wasn't willing to allow herself to prey on others. But her mind had responded with revulsion when Bea tried to force the issue of her ovarious impotence. The thought of herself pregnant made her skin crawl, killing her arousal each time and ruining her climaxes just before she could release a clutch.

Defeated, Bea slumped back against the bench, thoroughly drained, the leather seat coated in her filth and sweat. Wheezing wetly, she could barely move a muscle. Even her brutal tentacles, trapping her all this time, had started to go limp like overcooked spaghetti. Bea's tail flopped to the floor, her fem cum pooling underneath the cock head. But despite her weariness, that inescapable ache for sweet release remained. Only her need for oxygen prevented her from whimpering in self-pity.

'I guess I'm a parasite now too. I'm like a bird pokèmon leaving its eggs in someone else's nest to raise.' "Ugggh." 'Fuck these damn urges. I can't even get off like normal anymore; my libido is too fucked up. I need a proper cum so badly, but I'm drop-dead tired.'

Bea's eyes started to droop, and her worn-out tentacles did not even have the energy to retract into her body. The firm padding of the bench felt like the softest down to her, inviting her to rest. Her sight blurred, but Bea struggled to keep awake even as drained as she was.

'Cant let myself fall asleep. I might start dreaming of raping Nessa again. But... Would that be so bad? I might finally offload a few eggs. It's her fault, anyway, slutting around in those skimpy outfits. I don't remember why I refused to call her. Why was it so important? "Mhhng" 'She looks so good in her gym uniform.'

Bea couldn't help herself as her mind conjured the image of Nessa's dainty breasts, the hard nipples tenting the spandex of a tight swim top. Sluggishly her tail flexed hungrily. Even pushed to the limit by the intense self-penetration, it still had some energy left. Miserable as Bea was, she couldn't help but take a perverse pride in her mutant limb. It had become her best feature after her forced bonding with the yanma. It felt so brawny and virile. And the size! It was almost as long as she was tall. The thought of using it to brutally stuff a shrinking violet felt right. Natural despite her fear of losing herself.

'It's so disgraceful... but I want to stuff eggs in some pussy. Bet my tail would feel soo good. I can't stand it. I'm scared. I don't want to be some fuck hungry beast. But the sites said that heat could last weeks or months, and I'm already at my limit. I can't take another day of this agony. I want to do it. I want to rape somebody!'

A ting of lust returned to Bea's heavy panting, her mind racing with phantoms of her would-be victims being overpowered. It would be so easy. With the power and speed she had gained, it would be a crime not to use it. Male or female, no one would be able to stop her. Hazily she tried to think of a reason not to seize what belonged to her and failed.

"I'll do it," Bea whispered between belaboured breaths. 'I'm done enduring this shit.'

Instantly it felt like a weight had been removed from Bea's shoulders. Everything was so clear to her now. Her purpose was to stalk and rut. To enslave others as she slaved to her hellish instincts. Bea let her imagination run wild, reflecting on who would make the best mate. Thorisizng on how would she would rob their virginity. Should Bea cling to them like a clingy lover, exhilarated as their holes stretched gently around her eggs? Or should she pound them raw? Force their stomachs to bulge around her cockhead as punishment for not being there to help Bea when she was at her lowest. Her hand tenderly rubbed over where she thought her overstuffed ovaries were.

'Just a bit longer, you little bastards. Let me rest, and then I'll go hunting.'

Bea's body stilled as she released a high-pitched sigh of relief. She was about to drift off when.


Team Rocket Grunt five four eight six seven glared coldly at her beeping X-Transceiver as she reached the end of the apartment complex's outer walkway. Annoyingly, her angst-wracked squad leader again disrupted the com channel with another reminder for everyone to check in every half hour. It was bad enough that her co-workers gossiped on the line without her boss adding his pitiful attempts to maintain his authority.

"My promotion out of this unit can't come soon enough." The Grunt with the curtains of green hair grumbled to herself. '

'Oh well, let's just get this over with, Vivian. It's the last apartment unit in the building. Looks like that tipoff from the telemarketing department was a dud. Just one more inane meet and greet to ask if they have seen any unusual Yanma in the area, and then I can get out of this hellish heat.'

Looking forward to returning to the frigid air-conditioned van she had arrived in, Vivan reached for the doorbell of apartment unit one two eight.


Revigorating energy surged through Bea as the doorbell rang out. Her muscle pain was instantly forgotten. Almost involuntarily, she jolted up to a sitting position. Terror and excitement slammed through her augmented nervous system as enlarged mutated glands excreted adrenaline. The colours in her vision became impossibly hued as time slowed. Her thoughts sharpened, cutting out any unnecessary information.

'Someone is at the door...'

Bea's monstrous sense of smell picked up traces intruder's scent even from inside. She could see them, synesthesia displaying the aromas as silver swirls over her pupils. Her thin sliver of rationality was bowled over in a surge of chemical information and genetic imperatives.

'Female, young, healthy, fertile. Waaant her. Need to breed. Too horny to think. Want to rape her. My belly hurts. Too many eggs. Can I have her? Need mate. Intruder in my nest. Okay, to take her? Belongs to me now. She's mine. Need to lay eggs. MINE!'

Bea's emerald eyes sparkled, her mouth spreading into a ravenous smile. Her forked tongue hungrily licked the air as the scent gushed into the apartment at the sound of the door being forced open. At last, she was one hundred percent certain about what to do. A shriek of horrified joy erupted from her lips as she lurched toward the foyer.

'Hunt! Breed! MINE!

  • Comments
  • What will Bea do now that her rampant instincts are uncaged? Will Team Rocket be able to stop the outbreak? What is the true purpose of the eggs? Will Vivian get the promotion she desires? Find out next time on Pokèmon Infestation!

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  • Not only did ooze pulled a fast one on us twice, they also hit us with a wall the third time!, I'm patient.

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  • luceox30 said:
    Not only did ooze pulled a fast one on us twice, they also hit us with a wall the third time!, I'm patient.

    I will promise you this. Now that Bea is fully corrupted, the next volume will be full of egg-filled bellies, light body horror and transformations—no more red herrings.

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  • brotherthat said:
    I will promise you this. Now that Bea is fully corrupted, the next volume will be full of egg-filled bellies, light body horror and transformations—no more red herrings.

    I for one just hope we get the good ending!

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  • brotherthat said:
    I will promise you this. Now that Bea is fully corrupted, the next volume will be full of egg-filled bellies, light body horror and transformations—no more red herrings.

    Cant wait too see it!

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