gin trio and marble created by ruaidri

Saucy Sauna Situation - Mini-Animation

First things first, notice to anyone using my geometry node fur setup, while working on this I found a super small bug that was causing some floaty hairs in some specific situations. It's super easy to fix, you can do it yourself in like ten seconds: Open up the node tree in the geometry nodes editor and go alllll the way to the right side of the massive pile of node noodles. You should see right before the "Group Output" node, a "Delete Geometry" node. Change it from "Point" to "Spline". Problem solved.

Alright, as for the animation- someone give me a better S word, please. I need the alliteration but I couldn't think of anything better. "Sex" is too on the nose. "Scenario" isn't any better than "Situation". That's all I could come up with. Help!

ANYWAY, mini-animation commission for Bananastheleech . They wanted a go on my new fox girl, Marble! One of their suggested settings was a Sauna, and that seemed like a fun new idea so I went with it; you wouldn't think an arctic creature would be comfortable in a sauna, but perhaps that's the painted dog half of her coming out. Figure they probably live in fairly warm climates.

So yeah, some boinkin' in the sauna. Hope y'all like it! :D

  • Comments
  • Given we're watching... Saucy Sauna Show? Could be spectacle as well. Why not Scene? It is that afterall

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