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  • Comments
  • musmax3 said:
    It started so good ...

    are you saying it dident end well? i dident notice a change in quality at the end or somthn (btw not attacking just asking)

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  • Uhh... What kind of monster would put their pizza slices right on the table like that? Right next to the (very used) ashtray too, that's nasty. :l

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  • azdy67 said:
    Will there be a sound version of this made?

    I'd love for it to be, but I don't have the knowledge nor the equipment to add proper sound.
    Perhaps one day I'll learn to make SFX... or have someone do it.

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  • doe-x said:
    What I want to know is where V managed to find a dog in Night City.

    Pets are EXPENSIVE in Night City man, let alone getting the Eddies to purchase one. Man must be pulling in the good jobs right now to get that kind of scratch

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  • traffik_cone said:
    Pets are EXPENSIVE in Night City man, let alone getting the Eddies to purchase one. Man must be pulling in the good jobs right now to get that kind of scratch

    It could be a synth pet, I can't remember for sure but I'm pretty sure I recall them being talked about somewhere in the lore.

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  • notcreative50 said:
    Ok... That is just straight up beasteality...

    Dogs can’t give blowjobs and its clearly not real so saying its straight up bestiality in a negative connotation makes no sense. Real bestiality is an issue not cg bestiality.

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  • I love how real this looks, like it actually happened irl and someone animated the footage. Fantastic animation, and a very cute trained doggo :3

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  • musmax3 said:
    It started so good ...

    I think we want an answer as to why it started good, but assumedly ended less than good?

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  • azryk said:
    I think we want an answer as to why it started good, but assumedly ended less than good?

    Not OP but maybe they weren't a fan of the headlock. I didn't like it either, but then I saw the doggo's tail was still going so I guess it's fine.

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  • iago1 said:
    Braindance, a recorded experience that people can upload to their brains for entertainment.

    Kinda like digital trips in the first watch dogs

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  • rarwrr said:
    I'd love for it to be, but I don't have the knowledge nor the equipment to add proper sound.
    Perhaps one day I'll learn to make SFX... or have someone do it.

    Do you have a Patreon so I can support you would love lots of variations of the same type of content

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  • tactical1 said:
    Do you have a Patreon so I can support you would love lots of variations of the same type of content

    While I appreciate the intension, I cannot accept financial support for now. I cannot guarantee regular uploads due to limited spare time. If things ever clear up, I'll take commissions and likely open up a Patreon too.
    (For now, I mainly make animations to get used to the Blender workflow while I create my own characters in the background).

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  • peeingdog said:
    Who wouldn’t want a dog like that?

    Hopefully nobody would. Most fantasies should stick to being fantasies, ESPECIALLY when it involves extremely controversial kinks like this post

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