kyle r. fish created by slashner
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  • patrickthehuman said:
    That's not a bakery, that's whole entire pantry. And I'm going to be diabetic after I'm done playing and eating my food.

    Wouldn't an entire bakery supply more baked goods than a simple pantry? Idk about your house but my pantry is just a closet with no facilities for actually producing baked goods. I might have like two loaves of bread in there while a bakery has like, idk, at least four or something.

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  • wasatch- said:
    Wouldn't an entire bakery supply more baked goods than a simple pantry? Idk about your house but my pantry is just a closet with no facilities for actually producing baked goods. I might have like two loaves of bread in there while a bakery has like, idk, at least four or something.

    I thought pantry is related to baking, I was suppose to say she got the history of baking

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  • wasatch- said:
    Wouldn't an entire bakery supply more baked goods than a simple pantry? Idk about your house but my pantry is just a closet with no facilities for actually producing baked goods. I might have like two loaves of bread in there while a bakery has like, idk, at least four or something.

    I think they're talking about those giant kitchen pantries some bakeries and restaurants have.

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  • schwnnbenedict said:
    I think they're talking about those giant kitchen pantries some bakeries and restaurants have.

    Even if they were, that would still only be a small part of a bakery compared to the whole thing. It really doesn't matter how you slice it, the original statement doesn't make any sense. A pantry is a cabinet or room containing assorted dry foods. A bakery is a production facility dedicated to making baked goods, i.e. cake. You don't get more cake than a bakery as that is were all the cake comes from.

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  • schwnnbenedict said:
    I think they're talking about those giant kitchen pantries some bakeries and restaurants have.

    I live in a restaurant 😶
    Edit: I live above my family restaurant but okay go ahead and downvote me...


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  • "Are you the store that doesn't have bread?"
    "No, we're the store that doesn't have milk, the store without bread is across the street.'

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  • schwnnbenedict said:
    well you asked for it.

    and remember that commonly known rule: "don't believe anyone on the internet"

    edit: I just realized that he might be troll, the reason being is that he just created his account.

    That's a dick move to accuse me of being a troll with no evidence whatsoever. I don't really appreciate it.

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  • wasatch- said:
    That's a dick move to accuse me of being a troll with no evidence whatsoever. I don't really appreciate it.

    oh look you sent me a message privately to my account, dang you seem hella mad, of course I'm not gonna reply to it because that would just feed you.

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  • schwnnbenedict said:
    oh look you sent me a message privately to my account, dang you seem hella mad, of course I'm not gonna reply to it because that would just feed you.

    I don't know what your problem is dude. Take your shitty antisocial behavior somewhere else.

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  • wasatch- said:
    I don't know what your problem is dude. Take your shitty antisocial behavior somewhere else.

    Don't feed the troll, don't reply to him, just report him and move on.


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  • honestly though, its funny how all this spiraled into chaos all because I was ignorant of a tiny thing lol

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