Tinglbulb - Electric Psychic: It drifts aimlessly through the cosmos absorbing solar rays and occasionally discharging them as electricity
Montuntle - Electric Ground: These curios fellows tend to burrow under people's houses in search of valuable rocks and metals
Monkavern - Electric Ground: These fakemon use the static cling of their fur to afix metals onto themselves, either as makeshift armor or to show superiority over other Monkavern
Malun Magnemite - Electric Flying: These creatures were originally desined to be surveillance units, but went haywire after they were mass produced. Now they randomly cause chaos wherever they go.
Kenkapi - Electic: These territorial fakemon constantly have shock battles with each other. Their fur is static and can fry electronics.
Gigglewott - Electric Dark: This mischeivous fakemon intentionally causes machines to malfunction for its own amusement.
Cuddlezotl - Electric Fairy: These creatures can inflate the sack on its tail to allow it to hover off with the wind. It's flies up into the sky during rain to absorb lighting from the clouds
Memberthis is actually... pretty cool wtf???
MemberMiso you really need to hit up a programmer and bring these mons to life, these concepts you've been putting out are bangers
MemberAgreed, make a game man.
MemberYeah, the Fakemon design in the bottom middle (Gigglewott) is just *delightful*. Seriously, somebody get Ken Sugimori, or SOMEBODY from Game Freak to see this.
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