Hello! Today we're ranking PVZ2 Plants but since talking about them would be boring, I'm gonna draw porn of them first and THEN rank them!
Now we're gonna rank the plants that came in second on the last poll: Free Lobbing Plants!
Cabbage-Pult: (E Rank)
With the distinct honor of being a consistently bad plant in every single game, we have Cabbage-Pult! You can't even say that he's a lobbing peashooter because technically, he actually deals less damage when comparing the data! Couple that with a bad plant-food effect, and we have a plant that you never have a reason to pick.
Kernel-Pult: (D Rank)
Now, I can't actually roast this guy because the Kernel-Cult is always watching. But I can say that he's best used as a support plant. Nothing feels better than buttering up a strong zombie, although there are better options for support, Kernel-Pult is fun to use in short levels, at least. If only we had the chinese version's Cob Cannon.
Melon-Pult: (B Rank)
Sporting a very high damage with splash as well, we have Melon-Pult... And he's not that good?! What gives?! Well, he suffers from the upgrade-plants split, and now, he serves little to no purpose because what was his upgrade that required him on field is now its own thing, leaving Melon-Pult a still strong, but irrelevant pick.
Winter Melon: (A Rank)
Who do you pick when you need Chills and High Damage?! Winter Melon! That's who! She's pretty much perfect with the exception of two things: 1. She's expensive, you'll be spending your early to mid-game gathering sun for a column of her. And 2. She doesn't have a very good plant-food effect, but that's because no lobbing plant has one.
Pepper-Pult: (D Rank)
Pepper-Pult is only used in Frostbite Caves because you needed a heating plant and you either didn't have Fire Peashooter or Snapdragon didn't generate heat at the time. Because other than that, we have a Cabbage-Pult that is slightly better at dealing with crowds, which is damning by faint praise if I ever heard it.
A.K.E.E.: (D Rank)
Hey! Do you want good damage to a line of zombies?! Well, get fucked! Because you're only getting good damage on the first two with A.K.E.E. Seriously! Just use Laser Bean or the many other options for piercing damage! There are better tools for crowd control, with better plant-food effects! WHY IS THE COOLEST PLANT SO GODDAMN USELESS?!!!
Spore-Shroom: (D Rank)
Spore-Shroom actually has the most interesting effect of all plants: Being able to create more of himself upon killing a zombie. But in practice, such effect is rarely useful, because most zombies will be killed at the front lines, where they'll get eaten quickly, rendering the whole endeavor pointless. He is fun to use, though, I'll give him that.
Don't agree with the rankings? Make your case then! Who knows? Maybe you'll actually change my mind and I'll update the rankings!
Oh, and if you want separate pics of the plants instead of the whole group, check out my twitter!
These plants were voted on by the community! Keep an eye out for any active polls and cast your vote! ;3
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