From source:
Hyena Bed - by Artca9
Clean/Burp/Fart variants:
Art process: eats up Violet and sleeps on her bed. Waking up in the morning to see she's still squirming. She's got +14 acid protection, it will take quite a while to get through her.
This piece was to practice coloring fur patterns for an upcoming chapter. How is it?--Discord / Patron Content / Twitter Info--
My ID: Artca9♔#2756
"The Inside Club" 18+ public vore discord I run. No bans, only kicks; no dumb ID check; and you don't get @everyone'd. Feel free to share this server with others! Message me on the server if you'd like me to post some of my gassy variants. I have tons especially of Anal vore.*Patron Content*
If you like non-fatal Animal Pred x Human Prey and my artwork ; Consider becoming a patron to fund my projects! Currently working on Violets Wildlife Diary, a longterm vore hentai planned for 100+ pages:
My past projects should be here:
Get everything I've worked up to the current month for only $6 USD+ for monthly MEGA link to a mirror of my gallery.
Paypal (message me if you want to do this method): "artca9[at]"*Twitter Info - Full Gallery (Eka's)/Commission/Discord/Patron*
My information on everything should be pinned here. If any link doesn't work.
Spensor spensor
BlockedGG Luffy, you found your *one peace*, mhehe
Spensor spensor
Blockedoh oh a better one: Luffy was looking for a One Piece, but someone ate him in *one piece* first. bwahaha. I am terrible
Michi the mouse
MemberBro sees a straw hat automatically think its luffy
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