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A Motley Crew if ever Ive seen one (Federalchemical1728)

i gasped when i got my lil “pick a number” adopts from @roguesoul >w<

i have no actual idea what to do with them so i just did some doodles

im surprised at myself for how much i want to emotionally break the alicorn. idk if it’s childhood trauma-related or just internalized fatphobia, but i want to fucking destroy her spoiled little view of the world. if im being optimistic maybe she’ll come back better for it, or maybe she won’t come back at all.

((got nothing in my braaaiin doot doot))

ive been sorting all of my art files on my computer by date & im gonna have to go in and delete all the duplicates & pair up finished pieces with the pages they came from.

how do i make a digital artbook? is it like a pdf? can regular citizens like me even make pdfs?? im finally making progress on this bc im procrastinating on an even bigger, scarier thing. ADHD is a helluva drug.

i also havent replied to messages from my friends for a long time & im a fuckin nervous wreck about it. im a nervous wreck about a lot of things, that’s what wrecked me in the first place.

this metaphor is dumb.

i need to do laundry & theres a 60% chance my mom will be weird and shitty about it. i also really REALLY need a shower, but i need clean clothes to put on AFTER the shower. being alive is so much fucking work, man 😩

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