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Sad Pillows and Weird Babies (Federalchemical1728)

was Feelin’ Bad™ & did some doodles

Riket’s general aura of depression outweighs any happiness at having their boobs removed.

Lolly may or may not deserve all the pain & heartache that’s coming for her, that’s for the reader to decide. i write first, ask questions later.

i still don’t quite know what i want to do with Riley’s mom, i know her dad was the smarty of her herd but idk if i want her mom to be a poopie mare or a special friend or just another piece in a harem

((im proud of myself i did all my laundry while procrastinating on other things. also something’s going on with my left wrist bc it hurts when i lay my hand flat on any surface. im just grateful it’s not my drawing hand bc i would Actually Die pbthtbhtbthb

i keep thinking of new & different Bad Things that could happen to Pudding but i cant for the life of me make a concrete decision. maybe ill do a choose-your-own-adventure or something))

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