A Bunch of Riley and Goblin Jr. Fanart (federalchemical1728)
@creeper i fucking ADORE Riley & Rodney’s cameos in the Skettiland Trappers so i did a whole bunch of fanart before i remembered that Cock Goblin & Cock Goblin Jr are both alicorns kfjxjdjjdbbf
i was happy-stimming & flapping my hands so hard i could barely draw 🤗🤗🤗
((i came down with c-word disease a few weeks ago so that was… fun. and the mothership has been working me like a dog since i got better. ive been doing all the nasty cleanup work that she let go for too long so now it’s become a legitimate fucking biohazard. she doesn’t clean up after herself EVER. she’s like a fluffy trailing shit everywhere, except with her it’s dirt and garbage and the gross juice from rotten food. which is only marginally better.
yesterday i actually found a pan on the stove with a wooden spatula still in it BURNING BECAUSE THE FLAME WAS STILL ON. SHE LEFT THE HOUSE LIKE THAT. this woman is a danger to herself, her family, and the rest of the world around her.
Anyway, i just needed to complain for a minute lxjxkskjxj
Sending love and Clorox Disinfectant Wipes ❤️💀))
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