Hello! Today we're ranking PVZ2 Plants but since talking about them would be boring, I'm gonna draw porn of them first and THEN rank them!
Now we're gonna rank the plants that came in first on the last poll: Stalling Plants!
Iceberg Lettuce: (A Rank)
Ahh, everyone's favorite ball of frozen produce! For a free plant, she gets a lot done by freezing zombies and having a good plant-food effect that is more-or-less equal to a pause button. She's outclassed by Stunion when unleveled, but level her up and you'll see that she actually outclasses other stallers, while still being completely free!
Spring Bean: (F Rank)
*Sigh*... You know when a plant is "good" when they're made redundant even in the only world where they'd be relevant (Imp Cannons anyone?). Imagine a plant so useless that their only saving grace was an exploit with Blover! And when that was patched out, your boy Spring Bean became a strong contestant for "Worst Plant in the Game" Award.
Chard Guard: (A Rank)
Someone at Popcap saw Spring Bean and thought: "We should do it again, but get it right this time.". And that's how Chard Guard must've been born, 'cause he's a good reusable staller, and even a makeshift wall when he loses all his leaves. Say no to Spring Bean. Say yes to Chard Guard! (Also, his combo with Aloe is OP, but we'll get there eventually.)
Stunion: (A Rank)
While unleveled, he outclasses Iceberg Lettuce, but he does not get as strong as she does when leveling up. Sure, he begins to deal damage and even becomes free to plant, but Iceberg just overshadows him in general. But don't forget that he's still a very good and useful staller, and he can be used in Frostbite Caves, whereas Iceberg can't.
Stallia: (A Rank)
While under normal circunstances, Stallia is Stunion's funky counterpart, when she levels up, she becomes an entirely different plant. Her knockback can be easily combo'ed with Blover to delete zombies from the game, and she's the easiest plant to do this with. She can also affect machines, whereas Stunion can't.
Thyme Warp: (S Rank)
A plant that straight-up turns back time and returns the enemies back to the edge of the lawn... HE WAS BROKEN WHEN YOU COULD ONLY USE HIM IN NEON MIXTAPE TOUR!! NOW HE'S EVEN MORE BROKEN WITHOUT THE WORLD RESTRICTION!!! Ahem... He may restore health yadda-yadda, whatever. But with him, you can stall the zombie horde... FOREVER!!!
Don't agree with the rankings? Make your case then! Who knows? Maybe you'll actually change my mind and I'll update the rankings!
Oh, and if you want separate pics of the plants instead of the whole group, check out my twitter!
These plants were voted on by the community! Keep an eye out for any active polls and cast your vote! ;3
(sorry I held out on these, didn't want to interrupt the Giftober :3)
Memberhow am I the first here to say more like chad guard
Memberas someone who's playing PvZ 2, i agree with the spring bean part, i don't think i've ever used them once
MemberExactly! No one ever does! lol
He has the distinct dishonor of being one of only five plants in the F-Tier. Even Cabbage-Pult isn't in F-Tier 'cause it's only reserved for the truly useless. X3
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