scp-2547-1 (scp foundation) created by franubis
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From FurAffinity:

SCP-2547-1 / An Eastbound Thirst — by ~randomist9363 — Jul 7, 2021

Sadly, I'm not skilled at writing Foundation-style reports, correspondence, notes, et cetera, so I'll give a rough summary of the flavour text below

The following is a letter from a senior member of the Global Occult Coalition's (a group similar to the Foundation, mandated by the United Nations and known for having a more militant approach to dealing with anomalies) North America Branch, contacting their counterpart in the SCP Foundation; both names redacted.


The letter immediately refers to SCP-2547-1, expressing concerns about it's recent unusual behaviors,. THey bring forth evidence how the last several manifestions have encroached eastwards, outside of its usual manifestation zones of the American MidWest and arid parts of the SouthWest, doubting the Foundations "Long Leash" style of containment for this subject.

It's most recent manifestation reached a stream in the state of {redacted} that would eventually feed into a minor tributary to the Mississippi River, contributing an almost trivial loss in the river's water output. The letter immediately poses the hypothetical situation if the next manifestation would happen even further east, 2547-1 would be be close enough to the Mississippi River proper, using it's hydrokinetic powers and seemingly limitless water-consumption to drink the entire river dry, holding the enitre North American ecosystem hostage to gain bargaining power and slip out of the Foundation's "loose leash" for good.

The GOC leader then brings up Type Greens (the GOC's term for reality warpers) speculating that SCP-2547-1 might a very old Type Green that somehow resisted, dances very close to the Fourth Stage(The Child-God Stage) or somehow even reached a theoretical Fifth Stage. Part of the GOC's mandate is to observe and eventually terminate all Type Greens that pose an active threat, willing to break their affiliation/tolerance of the Foundation, should SCP-2547 manfiest any further east of {redacted}, since the protection of Humanity and the Earth's current status is part of their mandate.

the last paragraph warns that they willingly turned a blind eye to the Foundation's drying of the Aral Sea in Central Asia due to SCP-XXXX(I can't remember off the top of my head which one) but won't accept another manmade dustbowl ecosystem in a densely populated continent.


so, if anyone wants to help me write an authentic SCP-style letter from a GOC commander, that'd be nice

SCP Foundation belong to everyone and no-one under Creative Commons.

SCP-2547 was originally written by AbsentmindedNihilist, who was inspired my Native American mythology around Coyote

Atwork was a monthly sketchmission by ~FranubisFur

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