Fiery Style
“What, this?” She asked, gesturing to her outfit and pulling on the collar of the jacket. “Ohh yeah, I picked this up not too long ago. Saw someone else with it and saw the whole outfit was made fire proof so I couldn’t help but snag it.” She grins, before leaning in. “Hmm? ‘You’d like to see?’, sure, why not.” She grins more, before leaning back and striking a bit of a pose. Her hair would then ignite, as the rest of her body grew cascading flames across its surface, her tail flicking sparks as she let her hand gesture out in an open palm.
“See, completely safe.” She stated, as her eyes became a bit lidded as she saw your reaction. “Though I can see you might not be as averse to heat now are you? Heheh” She chuckled, giving you a wink before letting her body flick around. Her tail would spin around with her, more sparks flicking off her body as she’d let the fire flick out, and she’d give a look back at you.
“Appreciate your compliments, now see you around.” She’d give a half salute, then walk away, giving you quite the view of her outfit from behind as she seemed to purposefully wiggle her hips back and forth away from you. Now, are you too rooted in place by what you just witnessed? Or do you go heading after her?
Anndd to finish up this little blurb of a spree, decided I should throw out something recent! A just, absolutely fantastic image of Ven I got from zeveth ! She did just such a wonderful job on thissss ; v ; the fire effects are just some of my favorite I've seen on Ven, she looks so friggen cool and I'm just so happy with this! I wanted something that had Ven looking 'bad ass' again cause I don't let her do that enough, and just heckkkkk she looks exactly like that and I LOVE the heck out of it ; v ; . And for those wondering the outfit was inspired/ripped from this fantastic image, and it's what inspired me to do this cause I thought 'heck that would look GREAT on Ven'. And so it did, and Ven looks just great in Zev's style, and I flail ; v ; . (definitely worth a buck to see the full res version too wink wink nudge nudge, simp simp).
Art by zeveth
Ven is mine!
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