Female Beastren Wants to Play
Yeah, the so awaited Dragon's Dogma II is coming March 22nd next year, and I am really looking forward for this game.
I watched many gameplays from the Exhibition Version of the game and there is this female fighter Beastren called Talia. She always puts herself in front of the Arisen seemingly from a protection, guarding trait a pawn can have, at least in Dragon's Dogma one.
Then, since I have a crush on big, strong and kind females I got to like her too. When I get to play the game I am willing to even make her as my main pawn.
So, being, probably, a second beastren drawing before the game launches (because the first one is definitely from vhkansfweer, in which he drew a male fighter beastren called Max), I am making my iteration on this new race, making some modifications on my will, to make her more beautiful and pleasant (mostly more animalesque anatomical features), at least on my perspective.
I hope you enjoy ^w^
PS.: Also, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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