kasey mullway created by feretta
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I felt like making a femboy. So I made a femboy. How'd I do? :p

Heckin City College student, dorm mate with a hot jock (the "Totally not gay" kind) who has to put up with several of his buddies clapping this cutie's cheeks on a regular basis. Good friends with several of the school's other jocks (at least the nice ones). Has that corruptor energy, where he awakens new things in the typically macho "totally not gay" guys.

Regularly plays girlfriend for guys who've lied about having one and need coverage for some family event. Usually ends the night with said guys very confused and having a lot of new feelings they didn't expect, staring down at this adorable face as his lips wrap around the base of their cocks.

Definitely had a gangbang with the whole sportsball team at one point. Maybe we'll explore that sometime.. :p

Gets more dick than any of the girls and more pussy than any of the guys.

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