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Part one of three

Subbort me  here to see them early, will be public some time later....

Thank you..! 😵 

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    I will be forever convinced that these two are canonically gay, at least with each other.

    It's not the healthiest relationship but that's my assertion.

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  • phenomania said:
    I think this might get them fired

    Nah they just need to keep quiet. And hey, can't moan too loud if they start making out.

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  • Mordecai and Rigby stop pumping loads into eachother's asses and hose down the front porch or you're FIRED!

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  • phenomania said:
    I think this might get them fired

    Pops is the only other dude in the house and that guy is higher than arboreal giraffe pussy so he ain't gonna care.

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  • horsey404 said:
    Pops is the only other dude in the house and that guy is higher than arboreal giraffe pussy so he ain't gonna care.

    No he has the mix of a brain tumor from a old cell phone and brain damage from being run over by the in the past.

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  • randomlazyuser said:
    Young tag makes no fucking sense

    Yeah, TWYS is supposed to help make the tagging system useful for finding or blacklisting works that contain the tagged thing, which I generally think is great, but 'young' feels like a misleading tag here. I guess some mod tagged what they saw, but I clearly don't see what they see, because it feels miscategorized. The tags don't feel like they're actually referring to this gif. Like if someone tagged 'gore' on this post or something. It kind of just undermines the tagging system.

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  • kadorath said:
    Yeah, TWYS is supposed to help make the tagging system useful for finding or blacklisting works that contain the tagged thing, which I generally think is great, but 'young' feels like a misleading tag here. I guess some mod tagged what they saw, but I clearly don't see what they see, because it feels miscategorized. The tags don't feel like they're actually referring to this gif. Like if someone tagged 'gore' on this post or something. It kind of just undermines the tagging system.

    TWYS is a good idea, but the admins are extremely inconsistent while using it.

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  • This doesn't look young to me even by "tag what you see" standards. Are mods just salty at Dacad at this point?
    Like, Rigby's hips are literally as wide as Mordecai's. In what way is that young?

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  • reversesixtynine said:
    This doesn't look young to me even by "tag what you see" standards. Are mods just salty at Dacad at this point?
    Like, Rigby's hips are literally as wide as Mordecai's. In what way is that young?

    Yeah, if we actually are purely tagging what is seen, the main proportion indicator here is the hips/legs, which are proportionally equivalent between Rigby and Mordecai, and their height, which is obviously different. But we have a tag for size differences, and that tag certainly shouldn't imply young.

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  • Mods, unlock the young tags. Rigby is a short stack at best. “Tag What You See” isn’t a golden standard because art and what you see is subjective. This style makes them look the same age with a source-accurate height difference, as the user base seems to agree.

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  • electralight said:
    Nah they just need to keep quiet. And hey, can't moan too loud if they start making out.

    I keep finding your comments lol

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  • Neu


    kadorath said:
    Yeah, if we actually are purely tagging what is seen, the main proportion indicator here is the hips/legs, which are proportionally equivalent between Rigby and Mordecai, and their height, which is obviously different. But we have a tag for size differences, and that tag certainly shouldn't imply young.

    Yeah what we see is a developed young adult, but mods pick and choose what matters based on their own convenience when it comes to tag-what-you-see.

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  • neu said:
    Yeah what we see is a developed young adult, but mods pick and choose what matters based on their own convenience when it comes to tag-what-you-see.

    At what point do the moderators get moderated? It seems the answer is, "Rarely".

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  • furryartlovah said:
    TWYS is a good idea, but the admins are extremely inconsistent while using it.

    They're not inconsistent at all. They consistently target specific artists

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  • lmfao admins were getting torn to shreds in the following post so they locked the comments entirely. Then doubled down and retroactively tagged this post "young" as well just to rub salt in the wound.

    Truly the pinnacle of consistent, unbiased internet moderation. keep it up I'm sure you'll gain our respect eventually if you just keep doing the same stuff we've berated you for without a hint of self reflection.

    taking bets on how long before they lock the comments on this one too.

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