Blitz commission, Good Job Girls
Blitz commission for purity_dewinter
The Tuckered Trio
“Tough day.” Purity said, voice laden with exhaustion.
The unicorn was obviously underselling it. It seemed like every idiot with aspirations of world domination had come out of the woodwork. Every rock that those psychopaths normally hid under had been overturned and the roaches of evil scattered into the daylight. Some of them were even actual roaches, making them hard to beat up, but it was the metaphorical insects that made it worse. How was the limited hero population expected to defeat Strombulator the Terrible at the same time as crushing Cacophony Condor? They were just too numerous for the lower rungs of costumed do-gooders to beat easily. ColdSnap and Codex were just too inexperienced to make a meaningful dent in the weird number of lunatics.
“Yeah, still…” Stormwave took a deep breath as she leaned against the tavern’s exterior wall. Her own breathing was labored and heavy. Each breath was a fight against her body’s inherent desire to just shut down for a while. “Kicked a lot of asses. Got some… huff… good footage.”
Robotic remains laid scattered around the city’s top heroes. Pieces of broken weaponry were so common they may as well have joined the stone as cobble. Glittering shards of glass stood where face masks and lenses were smashed to pieces, their residual parts little more than litter. Those responsible may have been fined had they not found themselves unconscious and tied up on the ground. The few who still could see past the dancing stars were frustrated by the fact that some childish slap bracelets were keeping them pinned to gutters or cars. They didn’t know how the vixen’s little tricks of magnetics worked and, if she had her way, it would stay that way.
“Who caaares about your stream?” the last member of their trio groaned as she leaned against Purity, her head tossed back.
Though DuraBelle had the least damage on her, her lack of fighting skill meant she was probably the most tired. Throwing punches that could cave steel was hard when your blows were just over the top haymakers, but robots often didn’t care about that. Metal usually thought it was punch-proof and was, under most circumstances. The dinged up horse and bunny were more than capable of proving that they weren’t but their programming, foolishly trapped in the routine of ‘punch harder’ merely walked into more punches without learning. This left the over-eager rabbit lass to just smash more and more, getting through an army of machines in the most workout she got in a day.
Stormwave would make sure to tease her about that, later.
“Shut up, Belle.” the vixen grumbled in an uncharacteristically blunt way. She normally was much more creative in mocking her friend. “Way too much fighting for your stupid.”
“You’re stupid.” Belle stretched a little bit and yawned faintly. Her body seemed stiff yet laid against the horse as limply as possible.
“Ladies, ladies…” Purity put her arms around the two, pulling them close for a time. “You’re both stupid.”
Purity just looked at the sky with a soft sigh.
She had gathered they’d handled the majority of the threats today. Science Squirrel and Synthetica were captured or pushed back, respectively, and the lesser villains were smacked down like the scrubs they were. Their numerous minions had scattered to the winds and were probably calling the Union to find new work. Every bank had been saved and Stellara was leading some of the other heroes to do some clean-up in the financial district. With the biggest names of the day gone, they were pretty safe.
So they could rest.
“But hey, you two did a great job,” the most senior hero known spoke a lot more kindly now. Her voice was lowered so that only the two tired heroines could hear her. “It’s been, what, a year? And a half? You two have done a lot. Gotten tougher, fought harder. Glad you two came out with me.”
The horse just waited a moment for their responses but was given only the wind and crackling of broken batteries. Little pops of electricity bounced like popcorn from fragmented circuit boards and wires. A small waterfall of dust, dislodged by someone being thrown into a wall, cascaded into the little pile of inactive machinery. While a few cars came by, the rest was eerily silent. With the civilians having been removed from the site by police and the early hero intervention, it was just these three. Three heroes watching over the city.
And three friends taking a break.
“Heh. Guess my worst students are a bit tired, huh?” Purity whispered as her hands moved up, brushing over the two girl’s hair. A tender, soft moment as they laid their heads on her chest. She was a great pillow, it seemed.
Especially when those two couldn’t keep their eyes open.
“Guess we’ll see how you are later. Just take a break, girls. You earned it.”
The two junior members of the AGC leaning on one of the team's bestest mentor-friends, in artwork done by toughset
Concept and bestest mentor-pone, Purity, by purity_dewinter
Lightning fox-friend, Stormwave, and the story above are courtesy of stormwave
And me, DuraBelle, by me! I just look cute!
MemberThank heavens… Just a normal moment with these characters
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