Lilly: "Ooh, Bo, over there! That's a cute lil secluded spot, why don't you stand over there and lemme take yer picture? Somethin' ta remember our date by? Why dontcha show off that cute new collar ah bought ya? Yeah, just like that! Now, stay still... say... DING! ... Oops! Well, looks lahk Ah'll be havin' that romantic steak dinner all ta mahself tonight, huh? Don't worry, I'll make sure yer cute lil' noggin can watch. After all, it'd be rude to eat ya without giving you a show~! Mm... but first, seein as no-one's around, hope ya don't mind if I have a little fun with what's left-a ya first?"
Featuring Bo (and an off-screen dialogue Lilly with a badly written southern drawl) from CyaNekite's EvCo setting!
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