angus delaney, bea santello, germ warfare, gregg lee, and mae borowski (night in the woods) created by salamikii
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  • I have this idea that Germ is a tertiary member of the gang, who isn't really close with any of them, but he still hangs out with them a lot, and they shower him with praise and affection so they can more easily convince him to take part in their sexual experiments

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  • carrythezero said:
    I have this idea that Germ is a tertiary member of the gang, who isn't really close with any of them, but he still hangs out with them a lot, and they shower him with praise and affection so they can more easily convince him to take part in their sexual experiments

    I like to think Germ filled the role Casey left when he…”left” while Bea took his place in the band

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