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"Here, a little gift." - by Ratte ( )
"Hey there, tall dark stranger. Couldn't help but notice you hanging out back here away from the others."
"Weeell I don't want you to feel left out, but didn't want to make a scene or anything. Just between you and me, I get why you're over here and not over with the rest."
"I see a lot of people who've gone through a lot, they look like you. Not one-to-one, but you know what I mean. This place is full of them, so, while I know it's easier said than done, try not to worry about it so much. Nobody here is going to make a fuss about it."
"I know you don't know me from Adam, but I really hope you consider humoring me. Here, a little gift."
"...For me?"
"Of course! I get the feeling you don't get much for friendliness, but I think you're interesting and want to show I'm sincere about it. And since a lot of people who come here tend to ask: No, I don't think you're scary."
"...I'm not sure how to respond."
"Don't have to, just something to keep in mind. People just fear what they don't know or understand and, if being here has taught me anything, it's that there's much to be cherished if you try to understand anyway. I mean, hey, roses aren't scary just because they have thorns."
"Was that your idea?"
"You could say I thought the similarities were notable."
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