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Ven’re, The Hope of All Itreans

Special thanks to Joshua Nelson for commissioning the artist the first fan-commissioned art piece!

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Under the long veil of human expansion, the UWA had assumed that they were alone in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Era of Exploration under Gabatrix’s blessing had come to an end long after his passing. Countless worlds were explored, but seemingly, there were no signs of intelligent life. That was until 2349, when two UHN Battleships would confront a set of T’rintar and Aksren warships. The result was disastrous.

There was no declaration of war. 2349 marked the beginning decline of the UWA as Itrean warships began to invade and inflict casualties upon the UHN. The T’rintar clan had sacked Eutera, the Aksren would take Cipra, and Oshun nearly fell to the Shal’rein. One by one, the human race was being picked off, and it was expected that by 2350, they would have no choice but to announce their surrender to the Itreans or face annihilation.

The UWA assumed the worst for Cipra and Eutera. Many managed to flee from Cipra before it was taken, but with Eutera, the fledgling colony of less than 1500 would end up being kidnapped by the T’rintar clan.

What the human race didn’t know was that the T’rintar clan was interested in the human race. Unlike the Aksren and Shal’rein clans, the T’rintar saw an opportunity to study human beings up close. The dreaded Zilik’s Disease had been a plague upon all the Itrean clans. Every female Itrean was a carrier. The engineered virus was designed to target the XY chromosome. Every male Itrean perished. Male infants would die in the wombs or eggs that would never hatch. The results were utterly devastating for all the Itrean clans. Economies nearly crashed, females would be pending suicide over the loss of their former mates, some would be converted into ‘males’ by force, and, yet, the war between the other clans would never end. For the T’rintar clan, desperation was their driving force to attack Eutera. An inkling of hope was considered. Could the human race be considered as a possible ally against the other clans?

During the first several weeks, the kidnappers would slowly learn English. Despite the fear in the colonists’ hearts, they learned that they were in less and less danger. Efforts by the T’rintar were made to establish a rapport with the Euteran colonists. Blood tests were done, and the results were staggering. The human race and the Itrean people were very similar, which was a stunning surprise as other alien species were often very different from the Itrean people. One Yutilian joked at the time that the similarities were so strong it was almost as if they could have come from the same planet. But, it was here that a revelation came forth:

The Itrean people had become the masters of bioengineering. It was far more ahead than what the humans had ever accomplished. Early tests showed that it was possible that human males could be modified to create Itrean sperm. This sperm, in turn, could be used to impregnate an Itrean woman. However, an important gene would be introduced. The resulting infant’s DNA pattern made the child immune to Zilik’s Disease.

It was an incredible breakthrough. The cure for Zilik’s Disease….Itrean males could be born again. The need of forcing females to become males could come to an end. An edge would be given to the T’rintar clan against the other clans. There were too many benefits to count. The T’rintar reached out to the Euteran colonists. An offer was made:

Allow us to experiment on you. Allow yourselves to become our mates. Allow us to save our species from inevitable destruction. In return, a peace treaty might be reached. The mates will be treated with honor. We will help protect your kind from the other Itrean clans. And we will do our best to secure your freedom. Help us, and we’ll help you.

It was an utter surprise to the Euterans. A number of human bachelors stepped forward and volunteered themselves for experimentation. No longer was it about self-preservation. It was about saving each other. It became a race against the clock. Physical proof needed to be provided to those at the top echelon. It was all theoretical but not an applied science. It was unknown how much longer the human race could hold out.

The volunteers were aware of this, but where was love a part of the equation? Among the human volunteers was Jackson Kelren, born on Earth and lived on Cebravis before moving to live on Eutera. The man was open-minded but virtually a nobody. At the same time, a number of Itrean volunteers were also needed. Among them was the Yutilian named Ven’re, a royal gardener born in Getrea, a population also known to be open-minded. Love between two different species. Was it possible?

The different Itrean volunteers offered nude pictures of themselves at first, just as the human volunteers did in turn. In Kelren’s own words, he remembered looking at each of the pictures until he saw Ven're. He admitted he had an erection the longer he gazed at the naked image of Ven’re taken from the royal garden that she tended to her whole life. It was love at first sight, an alien woman thousands of light years from his home. It was like a dream, and he had to meet her.

Ven’re would admit that she never imagined ever meeting an actual male again, even if it was an alien. The Getrean princess was almost against the relationship from forming because she saw Ven’re as potentially losing a worker, but Ambassador Ifra convinced both to allow this to continue. It was love at first sight. Kelren would admit that Getrea reminded him of Cebravis, the human world of paradise. Ven're was beautiful. The only thing that hindered the two’s relationship was the language barrier.

But with Kelren and Ven’re, it didn’t matter. With the clock ticking, the two made their decision that they would become mates. The experimentations would begin….

Some historians would describe Kelren and Ven’re as fortunate. The other volunteer couples would engage in intercourse, learning the simple fact that they were more compatible than they thought. The recordings showed that sex between both species was more than possible.

The first couple of weeks proved that the Itrean sperm made in human bodies still failed to lead to fertilization. However, refinements were made on each try. There were even discussions that the other Itrean volunteers would have to be substituted if conception were to occur quicker. Kelren, however, was against the idea. In his own words, he was profoundly in love with Ven’re and wanted no other and the couple got their wish. In the famed Experiment 23, Kelren and Ven’re were given the surprising news.

Ven’re was pregnant…..

While the results were not immediate, the T’rintar paid close attention to them. The same refinements were made in the other couples, leading to similar pregnancies as well. One by one, the female Itreans and the developing fetuses were analyzed. Of the first couples, Ven’re was the first to carry a male infant. While the news was still kept secret to prevent potential false hopes from spreading, more and more of the Itrean scientists were growing excited.

One thing became apparent. Ven’re and Kelren’s baby was free of Zilik’s Disease. Many held their breath the day that Ven’re finally gave birth, wondering if the child would be stillborn, but the moment the crying baby exited from Ven’re, the T’rintar could spread the news. An alien species had been discovered. They carried the cure, and they needed to be saved.

To this day, Ven're and Kelren live in Getrea, raising their child together. While Kelren has made a few comments about how their relationship began and the mated couple's recorded sex is broadcasted to the other clans, the family lives happily together. The first male Itrean, born almost ten years after the outbreak of Zilik’s Disease, resides in the protected estate. Many Itreans come to touch the baby’s head in blessing. It is a gift from Mother Itrea itself. Some have looked upon Kelren and Ven’re as Adam and Eve, a new beginning for both races.

Regardless, the lasting legacy of Kelren and Ven’re are to be remembered in the years to come. Their child will be watched and analyzed by scientists as future Itreans find humans to become their mates. The volunteer couples are the first examples of many as the peace treaty between the UWA and the T’rintar clan is finalized. Love was the answer and, hopefully, the potential end of the war for all Itreans….

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