The Rescue
"Thanks for the save, chica." Zephyr said as she rubbed feeling back into her wrists.
"No problem." Dora replied as she glared at the bound and gagged squirming cheetah at her feet. "What should we do with her?"
"I'm sure you'll think of a just punishment." The Doberman replied, patting the shepherd on the shoulder. "But I'm gonna go find where she stashed my gear first."
"Not that you don't look half bad out of it." Dora said with a wink.
"Later." Zephyr replied with a wink of her own as she padded off to find her equipment, leaving the shepherd to eye her captive.
"AHEM." Came a voice in Dora's earpiece. "You COULD stop ogling the prisoner and we COULD turn her in to the proper authorities."
"Yeah." Came another voice, this one male. "I'm getting bored flying around in circles up here. And I'm hungry."
"Shut up, Yote." Dora and Bloodhound said simultaneously.
A simply awesome pic that RabidSpace got for Zeph and me as a sequel to another piece ( https://www.furaffinity.net/view/56163237/ ) in which our favorite dobie found herself in a bit of a tight spot with a certain bounty huntress. There was a brief struggle, but ultimately Dora was able to subdue the cheetah and wasted no time in securing her.
Now the question is, what to do? I'm sure Dora has an idea or two. Do you?
Awesome artwork is ©cinnameana
Xiu-Ying is ©RabidSpace
Divebomb/Zephyr is ©kelshin
Bloodhound (mentioned) is ©grimmeadow
Dora and Yote are mine .
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