Over the course of twenty-four hours, an individual whose appearance matches that of 'Mr. Deeds' appears in the vicinity of several major heads of state and assassinates them using whatever tools are immediately available, disappearing just as quickly. I don't know why this stopped after the first day.
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Over the course of twenty-four hours, an individual whose appearance matches that of 'Mr. Deeds' appears in the vicinity of several major heads of state and assassinates them using whatever tools are immediately available, disappearing just as quickly. I don't know why this stopped after the first day.
[...] There's a briefcase in my hand. I'm having trouble recalling what exactly is inside it - all I know is that it isn't round, and I need to get it to SCP-579.
SCP-3199 eggs are now being airdropped pretty much wherever. I'm sure you can imagine how that's going.
[...] First are the Blinkers. There's been quite a few of those around lately. Now, I'm pretty sure these were created by the Foundation, even if I don't know how. I don't know most things, so just add this to the list. They're statues, statues of soldiers - MTF uniforms - with empty sockets for eyes. Their arms are carved into blades, like what you'd see on a praying mantis or something. They're harmless as long as you look at them. But the second you look away, they can move - and they're fast. Saw one cut through an entire crowd of people when a gust of smoke blocked it from view for just a second. [...]
Somehow, the Foundation seems to have mass-produced SCP-2200-1, and those swords are making their way into the hands of refugees. With all the victims the SCP-2200-1 are cutting down, SCP-2200-3 is overflowing - with a mountain of living SCP-2200-4 trapped under a mountain of dead SCP-2200-4.
[...] (View is of the interior of an abandoned jewelry store from the front door. The night sky can be seen through a broken window. A teenage girl is sitting at a makeshift fire in the middle of the store. A ruby amulet is hanging around her neck.) [...]
I don't know how the Foundation managed to catch the thing in the first place, but helicopter footage shows hordes of bears created by 1048 rushing through the streets of Paris. The footage isn't too clear, so I'm not sure, but it looks like there's a massive red teddy in the distance as well, walking around next to the skyscrapers.
Images of SCP-096's face circulated on social media platforms. Death toll had already reached the hundreds before the images were taken down. For all I know, that thing is still going.

From Twitter:
Tweet #1727818052090372165 — @Mark0riginals — Nov 23, 2023
SCP-5000 --------------- WHY? #scp #scpfoundation #scpfanart #scp5000 #SCP
From Wikidot:
‡ Licensing / Citation — SCP-5000 - Why? — Jan 14, 2020
Cite this page as:
"SCP-5000" by Tanhony, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-5000. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
[...] There's a briefcase in my hand. I'm having trouble recalling what exactly is inside it - all I know is that it isn't round, and I need to get it to SCP-579.
SCP-3199 eggs are now being airdropped pretty much wherever. I'm sure you can imagine how that's going.
[...] First are the Blinkers. There's been quite a few of those around lately. Now, I'm pretty sure these were created by the Foundation, even if I don't know how. I don't know most things, so just add this to the list. They're statues, statues of soldiers - MTF uniforms - with empty sockets for eyes. Their arms are carved into blades, like what you'd see on a praying mantis or something. They're harmless as long as you look at them. But the second you look away, they can move - and they're fast. Saw one cut through an entire crowd of people when a gust of smoke blocked it from view for just a second. [...]
Somehow, the Foundation seems to have mass-produced SCP-2200-1, and those swords are making their way into the hands of refugees. With all the victims the SCP-2200-1 are cutting down, SCP-2200-3 is overflowing - with a mountain of living SCP-2200-4 trapped under a mountain of dead SCP-2200-4.
[...] (View is of the interior of an abandoned jewelry store from the front door. The night sky can be seen through a broken window. A teenage girl is sitting at a makeshift fire in the middle of the store. A ruby amulet is hanging around her neck.) [...]
I don't know how the Foundation managed to catch the thing in the first place, but helicopter footage shows hordes of bears created by 1048 rushing through the streets of Paris. The footage isn't too clear, so I'm not sure, but it looks like there's a massive red teddy in the distance as well, walking around next to the skyscrapers.
Images of SCP-096's face circulated on social media platforms. Death toll had already reached the hundreds before the images were taken down. For all I know, that thing is still going.
MemberThe Man With No Future
Akros The SpeedDemon
Memberthe man with no future walked, so other future generations could live... and oh boy did he walk....
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