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  • Comments
  • I knew about hyenas and the females having unique bits...but i was always curious about the birthing process....i guess this answered my question... neat animation!!!

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  • She tore. Mama yeen might not be around long. Far as i kmow, when hyenas give birth.the psudopenus is not supposed to tear as that is usually death for the mother. BIG but here i am not an expert so... take this as you will.

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  • elearu said:
    She tore. Mama yeen might not be around long. Far as i kmow, when hyenas give birth.the psudopenus is not supposed to tear as that is usually death for the mother. BIG but here i am not an expert so... take this as you will.

    No, they are meant to tear to allow passage! If it didn't the cub would get stuck. I'm not an expert on this either tbf

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  • dergsterino said:
    No, they are meant to tear to allow passage! If it didn't the cub would get stuck. I'm not an expert on this either tbf

    Man... Nature really does stop at "good enough" 9x/10, huh? lol

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  • theory0fstrings said:
    Man... Nature really does stop at "good enough" 9x/10, huh? lol

    Though I get the feeling that something about the research on hyenas is not all there. Not saying that evolution couldn't possibly lead to self destructive parts. Just that there's like no visual recording of any such thing. Everything so far, or at least as far I found, they're just giving birth like normal canines. With no penis in sight.

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  • misterwolf said:
    Though I get the feeling that something about the research on hyenas is not all there. Not saying that evolution couldn't possibly lead to self destructive parts. Just that there's like no visual recording of any such thing. Everything so far, or at least as far I found, they're just giving birth like normal canines. With no penis in sight.

    From what I know, they do have pseudo penises and yeah, they have births similar to the one in the animation
    Females can retract them so they look more like a canine vagina to mate, but yeah.. birthing a pup through it will pretty much make it get come out eventually I guess

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  • straightline said:
    From what I know, they do have pseudo penises and yeah, they have births similar to the one in the animation
    Females can retract them so they look more like a canine vagina to mate, but yeah.. birthing a pup through it will pretty much make it get come out eventually I guess

    I'm not saying that they don't have weeners. I'm saying it's odd how literally nobody seen a birth with it out or cared to take a picture. Like really? Decades of looking up their rears and not a single real life image of this one thing? It's all so odd. It's all a bad case of "tell, don't show". lol
    From all the footage I could find, even with all that hard work and stretching, not even the head of the penis is out.

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  • I used to look into this and other birth related things
    If I recall correctly it is not necessarily meant to tear, but that is just a thing that happens becaue hyena pups are pretty big if you look at the size ratio of other mommies/babies
    that combined with a comparatively long birth canal means that it is common for the first pup to die during birth, and subsequent pups being born quicker after the vagina is properly stretched or even somewhat torn

    in terms of tearing I remember a study on that (but related to humans) where it shows that the chance of tearing goes down as the number of births increases
    I think if I we extrapolate this to the hyena it would also probably mean that on subsequent birth the chance of tearing goes down and the survival rate of the first pup goes up

    I don't think the tearing is necessarily dangerous since what tears is basically the extended labia. unless it tears to a point where the urethra or colon is involved, the mommy has a pretty good chance of healing and having more pups in the future
    my main reason for believing that is that some amount of tearing is also pretty common in human births, and in recent years there have been some studies suggesting that natural tearing (minor tearing that doesnt go to far) is actually better than a perineal cut

    (unfortunately it has been a long time since I looked into this and I don't have the links to any of the studies I mentioned.)

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  • misterwolf said:
    I'm not saying that they don't have weeners. I'm saying it's odd how literally nobody seen a birth with it out or cared to take a picture. Like really? Decades of looking up their rears and not a single real life image of this one thing? It's all so odd. It's all a bad case of "tell, don't show". lol
    From all the footage I could find, even with all that hard work and stretching, not even the head of the penis is out.

    There has to be stuff out there that you didn't find. Google doesn't like to show graphic or sexual images in searches, and i doubt you did more then google it.

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  • elearu said:
    She tore. Mama yeen might not be around long. Far as i kmow, when hyenas give birth.the psudopenus is not supposed to tear as that is usually death for the mother. BIG but here i am not an expert so... take this as you will.

    That's almost the exact opposite of what i have heard.

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  • calculator said:
    There has to be stuff out there that you didn't find. Google doesn't like to show graphic or sexual images in searches, and i doubt you did more then google it.

    Google will show it if the safe search is off. But if the well is dry, then you won't find much on the subject, especially specifically this.

    Because it's not pornographic you can find a lot of bloody, violent, and birth on youtube alone. I haven't gotten lucky with finding anything anywhere else that wasn't already there. Most info sites if not all of them will not show you anything so graphic as even birth, no matter much they tell you about it. Because little care and attention is given to this subject, we're stuck here with next to no visual proof of what they say happen. And it's even more odd that you can count the number of videos out there of real hyena birthing with just one hand and those with penis visible during the process on none, showing that the penis is retracted every single time. Obviously that is a slight contradiction to the whole birthing through penis bit they tell you about. Not that I don't believe them. It just bothers me that researchers just say things but are completely unreliable when it comes to displaying any of it. It's just a very VERY bad case of "tell don't show". Or so it seems. Plus TECHNICALLY they are giving birth through it, it's just not erect as some of us would think. Which might be the truth behind all of this confusion and mystery.

    Either way, at the end of the day, none of us can find a real life image or video of any birth with the weener in the same scene because nobody took pictures. If you found something of the sort, then plz link me the image or video.

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  • dergsterino said:
    No, they are meant to tear to allow passage! If it didn't the cub would get stuck. I'm not an expert on this either tbf

    It's true they often tear on the first birth.

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  • bakemono93 said:
    I used to look into this and other birth related things
    If I recall correctly it is not necessarily meant to tear, but that is just a thing that happens becaue hyena pups are pretty big if you look at the size ratio of other mommies/babies
    that combined with a comparatively long birth canal means that it is common for the first pup to die during birth, and subsequent pups being born quicker after the vagina is properly stretched or even somewhat torn

    in terms of tearing I remember a study on that (but related to humans) where it shows that the chance of tearing goes down as the number of births increases
    I think if I we extrapolate this to the hyena it would also probably mean that on subsequent birth the chance of tearing goes down and the survival rate of the first pup goes up

    I don't think the tearing is necessarily dangerous since what tears is basically the extended labia. unless it tears to a point where the urethra or colon is involved, the mommy has a pretty good chance of healing and having more pups in the future
    my main reason for believing that is that some amount of tearing is also pretty common in human births, and in recent years there have been some studies suggesting that natural tearing (minor tearing that doesnt go to far) is actually better than a perineal cut

    (unfortunately it has been a long time since I looked into this and I don't have the links to any of the studies I mentioned.)

    Your are basically factual here. Yes.

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  • ttark2hotty said:
    Hyenas have 2-5 pups born to a litter, unlike domestic dogs that have 6-12 pups in a litter

    Actually, one is more typical; if there's more than one, sometimes the dominance fights start in the womb. You can imagine that's awkward. They're born with fully erupted teeth.

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  • misterwolf said:
    I'm not saying that they don't have weeners. I'm saying it's odd how literally nobody seen a birth with it out or cared to take a picture. Like really? Decades of looking up their rears and not a single real life image of this one thing? It's all so odd. It's all a bad case of "tell, don't show". lol
    From all the footage I could find, even with all that hard work and stretching, not even the head of the penis is out.

    Just to clarify, only spotted hyenas have the extendo-bits. The other three species are mammal-typical.

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  • This may come across as rather blunt, but idk why yall are debating on the specifics when it really doesn't take long to research. I could be missing some things, and I didn't /thoroughly/ background check my sources because I don't wanna be here forever, but here is one of a number of people to witness a hyena give birth Yes, it even shows her pseudo penis /extended/ as the little baby dangles there. MisterWolf, pushing something out of a fleshy tube that naturally hangs outside of the body is very much going to cause it to evert. They invert it to mate of course, but even if they regularly engage in sucking in their wiener, it would be physically impossible to keep in inside themselves while pushing a big ole baby out of it.

    Bakemono93 is the most accurate here, as it likely is not /meant/ to tear, but it indeed happens during the mother's first litter, if not with subsequent ones too. Up to 60% newborn pups die of suffocation while squeezing through such a narrow passage: and while the tearing isn't an immediate death sentence like Elearu presumes, 9-18% of first times moms /will/ indeed die from the ordeal: I didn't look into the specifics of what causes the casualties, but my assumption is infection at the site of the tearing or other birthing complications.

    No hate to any of you guys, not everyone wants to bother making weird google searches just cuz they saw hyena porn lmao, but I wanted to clarify and offer links for anyone interested! This animation is really impressive and pretty much the only things missing is the umbilical cords (which very well could have been excluded as artistic liberty) and the up to two days of pain and gore! :P

    Biology and funnies aside, this is a fantastic animation and I hope the artist keeps up the great work!

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  • 5bluetriangles said:
    This may come across as rather blunt, but idk why yall are debating on the specifics when it really doesn't take long to research. I could be missing some things, and I didn't /thoroughly/ background check my sources because I don't wanna be here forever.....

    No hate to any of you guys, not everyone wants to bother making weird google searches just cuz they saw hyena porn lmao.......

    All that matters is that it's real and on point. We don't have to worry about who REALLY took those photos. And true that not everyone would bother looking into this. That doesn't matter. People researched this and documented. The lack of visual documentation when there's not supposed to be a lack there of leads to doubt and confusion, including that surrounding the whole tearing bit. Had there been, like with many MANY other things, it'd be infinitely easier to be more certain of the truth.

    Anyways, thanks! Finally a step in the right direction! Hopefully more can be found off this lead. :D

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