goji and ruaidri created by ruaidri

Breakfast of Champions

Ru giving gojithefox his daily breakfast, served up just the way every fox loves- roughly.

So, I was given 5 dollars for the background of this picture. That's fine, but it doesn't give me a lot of room to work. If I spend an hour working out a simple background, then for that period of time I was working for 5 bucks an hour. If I spend two, that's 2.50 an hour. It's not all about the money of course, but I try to keep backgrounds roughly in line with what I get paid for them.

(It sounds like I'm complaining here, but I'm not, really! This is more a comment on the creative process, and how it can be tricky to come up with an interesting background that doesn't take a long time to make)

I was originally planning some simple furniture, but everything I tried seemed distracting, so I eventually went with a simple tiled floor pattern. That gave me a bit of a 'kitchen' feeling, which is where the title comes from.

And now you know.

Scanner was a bit mean to this one, but I think the colouring went really well. Could have perhaps used slightly higher contrast, but in person the picture looks good I think! I just hope you folks like it as well. Do let me know your thoughts!

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