A Newly Transformed Succubus Moushley, along with an Incubus Slade, discovers one of the main reasons why Furries prefer anthro characters over real humans. Especially as they inadvertently provide the best example Leader can give for her fellow Succubi and Incubi that were having similar second thoughts about the "Furry Thing."
The Incubus who became Slade will become important later and the reason it's not considered a crossover is because none of them are the real characters, just demons pretending to be them.
Further info about why they are all here below:
The Furry Attraction
Comic made by osu_a_karu_kun
Please fave and comment on his page as well:
A newly transformed Mousley finally understood why the other Moushelys keep complaining about turning into her, it's a good thing an Incubus that turned into Slade from Dungeons of Aether was there to show her the true perks of being an anthro. Remember, in The Succubus Hunt world the Furry thing is a relatively new thing that all the other Succubi and Incubi are trying out thanks to Meri inadvertently making it more popular than it actually is to get them to try out. But it does not change the fact that turning into this fictional anthro characters with large eyes is still very weird to them and I bet that includes other humans as well.
They were mostly drawn in by word of mouth about how good it is to be with a human who's interested in these kinds of characters. Not to mention that there are many Succubi, including many Incubi, that are pretty much bored of their everyday life of seducing humans and bedding them. Once they heard about Leader's game and how not only is it a new fun way to use their powers in a way that doesn't endanger their existence to humans, more and more just want to see if the hype is real. To the surprise of most of them, there are way more success stories about things ending well with a human that knows about them than there are failures that just slowly get more and more to try Leader's game of The Hunt.
Not as actual participants, by the way, just being the prizes and final test that the kidnapped human, which is mostly anthro characters. They want to see and understand why the Furry Fandom finds these characters attractive not go as far as to become an actual animal or close to one like Leader, who is proud to be the living embodiment of "You must be into AnImaLs" accusation that Furries and will make that a reality if they lose to her or anyone who's working under her.
The imagination of a human is the one thing that none of the demons even considered, only probably making a tweak here and there to get their chosen victim to come back to them in their human forms. But going all out on the imagination is what they're all slowly finding out why Furries are interested in anthro characters as the Moushly and Slade doppelgangers come to realize.
I'm pretty sure a shark shouldn't have that smooth of a skin (that's probably because Slade is a thief in his game and he's meant to dodge more than defend) and despite being covered in fur, a mouse shouldn't even feel that nice, but that's the true power of making such imaginations become a reality. And thanks to their actions, Leader can show the other volunteers one of the best rumors about becoming these characters is actually pretty true. I bet the Succubus who became Judy Hopps will definitely want to reenact all of the Wigfritter's porn animations if the guy who survives Leader's game. Also I know that Hamir is gay so there is a gay human that is also interested in the character and the Incubus who became him is now slightly more interested in seeing what Hamir's body can do if his human wins the game.
One more thing is that the Slade here is actually important, in fact he's part of Meri's Fleet Week when she makes a... small mistake regarding him that almost missed his chance as the character the first time around. Let's just say that Meri was being a little too intense at "Playing Fleet" that scared him away the first time around. Well at least if he got the bad luck with the Moushley in that the humans who wanted them lost, they at least have each other to explore further. ^^;
Yes, this is also an excuse to do the Ashley, Look at Me Meme.
MemberIdk why the downvotes this shit is hilarious
MemberI can only assume that this series of mine is not at all popular here or a comic that just seems too random to understand at first glance, probably both.
Edit: And I realized I got Hamir's species wrong which I fixed just a couple hours ago and could also be one of the reasons.
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