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'Appealing to a Desired Outcome'

Is this indulgent? Yeah, yeah it is. I saw this YCH with an animation addition and I immediately thought of Taylor and Ahya. Would something like this happen often between them? Not really, and especially not alone by themselves. If you read book 2, Taylor wouldn't really want to indulge in this herself based on what she's learned/knows. However, I believe once she gets with Liam and then later Jake and has to share these two men in her life with her tailmaw, I believe there is some level of bonding and trust that develops between them regarding intimacy and getting comfortable with the fact they must share their lovers. Perhaps even working together to entice them to jump all over her in lustful abandon. Maybe this be one of the ways both Taylor and Ahya make Liam or Jake go crazy hard for them - presenting themselves so lovely and baiting them to see if they could stretch her wider than she already is doing to herself! That's a challenge I bet most wouldn't pass up! So, all in all, just a fun piece I wanted to indulge in.

Art Done by: kaktus_blank - FurAffinity Account:

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