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Life in the Waffen SS anti-pony regiment is a GAS!

Disclaimer: This image ofines to Jews.

  • Comments
  • Mittsies said:

    Unfortunate that people would downvote you for having an opinion that doesn't revolve around debasing yourself for ponies.

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  • They're actually collecting her farts after having fed her a diet of beans and vegetables for a week, as a solution of Rarigas is the base ingredient in a line of perfumes marketed by her likeness.

    Her expression is just one of those momentary awkward ones, in this case her utter relief after being able to finally let it all out upon verifying that man engaged the machine.

    But in Nazi Germany.

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  • Sorry tagger, they didn't remove pics for the holocaust before, or 9/11, or other things (but then did for the Boston bombings, for consistency :o).

    More amusing, looking at the artist's history, that is a pretty large hate boner lol

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  • Kind of wish that curtsibling would just move on. We get it, you hate MLP, congratulations. I can't stand doge, yet I'm not drawing him in a Nazi gas chamber.

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  • What a stupid excuse and poor grammar...

    Apparently someone is STILL offended about the Holocaust that only happened about 69 years ago. -_-

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  • so anthropomorphic animals fucking women so hard they rip their spines out is fine game, but when it comes to jews someone pussies out ?

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  • novuscincaird said:
    jesus christ, the more I visit this website, the worse flag reasons I see. Learn how to spell you dingleberry

    Lmfao I was JUST about to say the same thing about the spelling... but i was too late

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  • TadasJA said:
    so anthropomorphic animals fucking women so hard they rip their spines out is fine game, but when it comes to jews someone pussies out ?

    yeah duh, it ofines to jews

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  • TadasJA said:
    so anthropomorphic animals fucking women so hard they rip their spines out is fine game, but when it comes to jews someone pussies out ?

    Anything having to do with Christianity or Jewish and people call the whambulance.

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  • oh come on people i'm polish and I had family that was impacted and involved in the holocaust and yet I find this funny that should be a huge red flag that this is not a big deal :/

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  • Yeah, i don´t wanna be racist, but does somebody think this could be offensive to germans, too?

    By the way: When bitch-whining about something, then historical accurate. SS Soldiers never did that (there where other employees), "Zyklon B" is invisible and showing an arian as german is so stereotypical.

    (Not defending the Third Reich or the methods, just wanna show how pathetic this kind of "art" is)

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  • Talk about beating a dead horse. In my experience people who dedicate this much effort to hating something (seriously, do they draw anything OTHER than MLP hate art??) secretly love it.

    That said yeah the image is pretty insensitive.

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  • Why is the gas green? If anything is offensive here, it's the artist's inaccurate representation of the process, and that's coming from a brony-hating jew!

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  • This picture while expressive and well drawn, feels counter productive. Instead of spreading the brony hate, it only gives me another reason to hate the nazi party.

    Then again it takes a whole nother level of insult to rustle my jimmies about ponies, or jews when trying to ofines them.

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  • skyline273 said:
    I'm actually Jewish and I don't take offence to this.

    If you say this image does not ofine to you then you are obviously not jewish.

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  • skyline273 said:
    I'm actually Jewish and I don't take offence to this.

    That's all good, but do you take ofine?

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  • trevorlanch said:
    If you say this image does not ofine to you then you are obviously not jewish.

    My great great grand parents died in the holocaust actually.
    My friends poke fun at me because I am jewish. I call them goys and they call me Mr.Krabs.

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  • trevorlanch said:
    If you say this image does not ofine to you then you are obviously not jewish.

    Also, my mother's last name is goldthrite.

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  • NotMeNotYou said:
    Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher dass das nicht wirklich anstößig ist.

    Naja, eine Methode gut organisierten Massenmordes als Ausdruck der Abneigung gegen etwas zu benutzen ist schon recht pi­e­tät­los.

    Vor Allem wenn man bedenkt wie Zyklon B tötet, schnell auf jedenfall nicht.

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  • D4rk said:
    Naja, eine Methode gut organisierten Massenmordes als Ausdruck der Abneigung gegen etwas zu benutzen ist schon recht pi­e­tät­los.

    Vor Allem wenn man bedenkt wie Zyklon B tötet, schnell auf jedenfall nicht.

    buenas tardes

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  • sasuke21 said:
    Sorry I'm not as smart as some people ok so fuck off you pecs of shit

    "Pecs of shit"? That's a new one.

    Abs of piss! Quads of puke! Biceps of bile!

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  • Phyrx said:
    "Pecs of shit"? That's a new one.

    Abs of piss! Quads of puke! Biceps of bile!

    New fitness plan for tourette victims, by tourette victims.
    Prominent critic astounded by results; "Well bitchshit."

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  • sasuke21 said:

    Sorry I'm not as smart as some people ok so fuck off you pecs of shit

    wow, rude much. that certainly ofines to me.

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  • sasuke21 said:

    Sorry I'm not as smart as some people ok so fuck off you pecs of shit

    I am currently trying to imagine what pecs of shit are and how someone would get them.

    Maybe injecting the pectoral muscles with feces?

    Sounds like something /b/ would do.

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  • kreztorn85 said:
    I'm offensive and I find this Jewish

    That completely sent me into hysterics. The Holocaust was awful (I having had a great-aunt die in it) but your comment is amazing.

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