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OLD SHIT - Felidae II Designs - by Heebjeeb ( )
I think I might start dumping old crap art I find in my files on you people.
I made these way back in March of 2018 (!?!). I was planning on making designs for all the important characters in the book Francis/Felidae on the Road, the challenge being that all of them had to be 1) accurate to their text descriptions and 2) drawn in the style of Felidae's film adaptation.
Topmost cat is Saffron, bottommost is Niger. They're blind sewer cats who were previously abused by humans, and so they band together with other stray, blind cats in a weird cult-like clowder down in the sewers of Germany. Don't correct me if I got any of this shit wrong, I haven't read the sequel in years hissss
This art suuucks so baaad but it was inevitable that I'd publish it. Will I ever pick the project back up? Knowing me, probably. But only when I'm so old it's embarrassing. And only after I redesign the first book characters first. And only when Akif Pirincci is dead. I wanna draw the cast of Cave Canem more though lol
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