Commission for pixelpallet6
A continuation of their 'Embrax' wedding series!
The following script written by pixelpallet6
Spike came back to check on the Changeling brothers and saw things weren't going well. Thorax was pacing back and forth, his tux stuck around his horns, while Pharynx was in the middle of a fight with a tie.
"Why do we even have to wear CLOTHES?!" Pharynx hissed.
Spike focused his attention onto Thorax who looked to be sweating bullets at this point. "You okay, buddy?" he asked, flying up to get eye level with the Changeling king.
"I... I don't know if I can do this, Spike!" Thorax admitted. "My suit can't fit over my horns, we can't get the ties to work... Ugh, I'm just going to run this for Ember."
"Hey, don't talk like that! You and ember are a great couple. You both help each other to improve your leadership skills."
"Yeah... she doesn't like admitting it, but she's been happy to be more in touch with her emotions. Her advice also helped me get better control of the hive. We've even started trying to form a new security grid."
Spike glanced over to Pharynx who was hissing up a storm and now tangled in the tie. "Are you asking Shining if he could provide any advice?" the little dragon asked.
"Um, a bit. Ember's often visited to help practice combat moves."
"See! That's another great reason you two will be great together. Helping to bring your kingdoms closer and giving each other tips. Now, let's try and get you prepared for your big day."
"Yeah. Thanks, Spike."
The groom and his best dragon took a minute to fix the suit all while Pharynx was still losing to a tie.
Other parts of this series:
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