adella and nox (mythology) created by strikersa
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Commission: Headcase Bulbs
The Headcase Plant is an unusual sort of parasitic flora, and is often mistakenly identified as a kind of animal or insect. However, the Headcase is actually a tree that grows in remote forests and jungles and has a unique mechanism to ensure its survival.

The Headcase grows and releases bulbs that move along the ground using long tendrils as legs and arms, appearing almost like walking jellyfish or squids. Upon encountering a host, whether male or female, the bulbs either sneak up on their intended victims or ambush them from overhead tree branches.

Once they take hold, the bulbs latch themselves over the faces of their victims, inserting a phallic-like stamen into their mouths and a pair of smaller tendrils in their nostrils. This is believed to give their victims air and nourishment. The bulb's tendrils wrap tightly around the host's head, securing it like a mask.

The bulb, through means not yet determined, begins to control their hosts and make them undress. This allows the bulb's tendrils that end in suction-cup tips latch onto male privates or onto female breasts while inserting other lengths into vaginas and anuses. It is believed the bulbs do this to stimulate their victims as a form of reward or encouragement.

Having taken over their hosts, the bulbs will guide them back to the main tree. It has been observed that these hosts form little communities around the tending, caring and protection of the Headcase. The hosts are sheltered under the tree, provided with sustenance and are even made to have sex with one another, either as a reward for their submission or perhaps for breeding purposes. On occasion, groups of infected hosts would go out with bulbs to hunt down and bring more hosts for the Headcase.

Seems Adella the bovine/dragoness and Nox the feline have fallen victim to the bulbs of the Headcase. Soon they'll be heading back to join others in tending the tree.

A commission for Yajuu and a fun theme to play around with. I might consider doing more on this idea in the future.

Nox & Adella © Yajuu

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