syandene and yuina created by ruaidri

Girl pr0nz 3: Tierafoxglove

Trade 3 with Tierafoxglove

Now, when we were working out the details for this trade, she just linked me a whole bunch of characters and told me to go nuts, pick whichever I wanted. So I started browsing around, and yeah, they were all pretty good, but nothing really stood out at first... then I came to this one.

I -instantly- knew when I saw her that I just had to get a piece of her. Definitely one of the sexiest characters I have seen in a long time. She just fits perfectly into my tastes I guess. She was just too sexy for me to resist. xD

So here we have my Syandene using her hands on Yuina, I believe her name it. Appears to be being a little rough too, but I get the feeling, looking at her character, that she'd be just fine with things a little on the rough side ;3

There are a few little screws ups that bug me here,and some anatomy issues, but for the most part I'm actually really happy with this, hehe. I think it came out quite sexy, myself.

Syandene's leg is supposed to be behind whatever it is they're sitting on >.>

Anyway. Comments plz? xD

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