rusty diesel created by strikersa

William "Rusty" Diesel


William Diesel, though mostly known by his stage name Rusty, was a male stripper at a gay strip club. He was one of the top earners for the club, and he really enjoyed his job as well as all the attention he got from wealthy clients. He especially enjoyed visits from his favourite client, Collin Stephenson III, and there were hints of a relationship building between the two. Still, Rusty played coy and resisted offers from Collin to visit his greenhouse. After all, he had a good job and made enough for a good living. Nothing apparently threatened his lifestyle.

That nothing turned out to be Covid-19. When the lockdowns came, the club was shut down and eventually went into bankruptcy. Rusty suddenly found himself without a job. Worse, while he had earned good money, he wasn't good at saving. He soon found himself dealing with unpaid bills. His landlord, who never liked him, began plotting to evict him in the midst of the pandemic. Desperate, Rusty turned to the one canine he hoped would help him: Collin.

Collin was all too happy to take Rusty in. The rabbit moved in and, to earn some money, agreed to volunteer for the various plants that grew inside the collie's greenhouse. While it came as quite a shock to end up inside a plant pod being milked for seed, Rusty soon found it actually enjoyable. On top of that, he and Collin's relationship began to blossom.

Once the lockdowns were lifted, Rusty was offered a new job as a stripper. He agreed, but only part time: after all, he had a new job working in Collin's greenhouse with plenty of perks to go with it.

Rusty has actually been in my head for ages as one of two boyfriends for my tentacle-loving collie Collin, but I never got around to fleshing him out, so to speak. But after the Year of the Rabbit picture where I first drew him, I figured it was time to give him a proper introduction. And have some practice with male bodies again, too!

Rusty © Me

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