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The Magnificent Lily
"For the famous and glamorous Fleur de Lis, Rarity's clothes are the best. But more than that, she adores Rarity's courier, Spike."
Voiced by:
Fleur - Midnight Datura
Spike - MacStar
GR-spot - Magnifique

  • Comments
  • TJC


    Another Phenomenal video, love the models, voice acting and animation! Keep up the amazing work as always Gorilka! ♥️

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  • Fir a second there, I thought I was listening to a lofi version of never gonna give you up

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  • There's really something about Spike and Fleur that has potential behind it. She could see how Spike treats Rarity so wonderfully and be smitten with him the same way Rarity is with him. She'd consider him a true gentleman and happy with him.

    As for the animation itself, this is one of Gorilka's finest ones yet. It hits all the things. It was perfect. Perfect. Everything down to the last minute details.

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  • Look, who retern to classic~ But with new skill and creating level. Very good job. Hope ve have more videos like this~

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