A lot of contentious tags in this one. At least 40 at the time of upload. I probably missed a few.
There are definitely Fallout-themed fanfic stories out there with moments of nightmare fuel, some more messed up than others.
This poor guy has had a very bad time.
Short story
The wastelands are very dangerous. Raiders, slavers, mutants, and hostile wildlife are not the only threats. Running afoul of cannibals is real danger, and some of them can be very sadistic and cruel bastards that you wouldn't want to wish on even your worst enemy.
This man was rescued from one such cannibal. They took something from him that no Medi-Pod (automated surgical pod) and no amount of hand-made potions can undo. While the nightmares and flashbacks may eventually become infrequent, this violation, this mutilation, is going to be a part of him for the rest of his life.
MemberHe needs some of that snake oil salesman's serum from the TV show.
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