fenavi montaro and morgan laranda (tale of tails) created by feretta
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Morgan walks into the room. Boss music starts playing.

  • Comments
  • Parenthood hasn't made Fen go soft...it's made her tougher. It would be wise to remember that, Morgan.

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  • So this is Sex Positivity then. I don't actually have a problem with it but I can tell how foreign it is to me, since it feels, weird. I have enough trouble finding one partner. Nigh impossible to imagine a reality where sex is as accessible as going to an Arcade.

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  • This is sort of a 'repeat', from a previous talk between them, after Morgan killed her slavers. They just switched positions. Then, Fen commented on Morgan turning down sex with the kangaroo and mouse girls. Now, Morgan is commenting on Fen turning down sex.

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  • enperion said:
    This is sort of a 'repeat', from a previous talk between them, after Morgan killed her slavers. They just switched positions. Then, Fen commented on Morgan turning down sex with the kangaroo and mouse girls. Now, Morgan is commenting on Fen turning down sex.

    Good catch there, though it makes sense why, at the time, Morgan turned it down, I am curious why Fen's seemingly holding back. She could just be tired, though she doesn't seem that winded to me, I wonder if she's holding out for something/someone specifically.

    On a side note, the casual nudity and casual sex positivity is just... So good! I'll never stop loving it.

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  • versperus said:
    A very rainbow border for the post to finish the month; a nice touch.

    Oh yeah you’re right. Wonder how many “as soon as pride month ends” memes I’ll see tomorrow lol

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  • Old age will do that to ya.
    I'm not even 30 and already feeling it though, so maybe it's just me.

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  • corpse-thing said:
    Old age will do that to ya.
    I'm not even 30 and already feeling it though, so maybe it's just me.

    I'm 31(M) and my libido has only skyrocketed since I've married. Before getting into a dedicated monogamous relationship, my erections would go away minutes after orgasm. Our sex life hasn't been better than since we've gotten married. We can keep going until we're physically exhausted. Though I haven't managed to make my wife call in sick due to inability to stand/walk, yet. One day.

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  • randomizer said:
    "...call in sick due to inability to stand/walk, yet."

    Life goal right there.
    Not the best, not the worst but still a goal.

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  • snowie said:
    ah yes..

    that gurl know how to enjoy the view out the window :D

    Yes, and she is also busy with her partner (behind her).


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  • Ich möchte mal was anmerken xO
    Ich bin sehr sehr sehr SEHR beeindruckt vom Comic :)
    Und ich glaube nicht viele haben einen der ! ELF (11!) Jahre schon andauert :0

    Meinen Respekt an die Autoren,Skripter und Zeichner (Soweit ich weiss arbeiten da mitlerweile mindestens 2 Personen dran)

    I would like to point out something xO
    I am very very very VERY impressed with the comic :)
    And I don't think many people have one of those! It's been going on for ELEVEN (11!) years :0

    My respect to the authors, scripters and illustrators (as far as I know there are at least 2 people working on it at the moment)

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  • noveltwin said:
    So this is Sex Positivity then. I don't actually have a problem with it but I can tell how foreign it is to me, since it feels, weird. I have enough trouble finding one partner. Nigh impossible to imagine a reality where sex is as accessible as going to an Arcade.

    My suggestion: do some reading as to how the first encounter between european sailors and the people living in polinesia and associated pacific islands. You might be surprised.

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