Whatever Floatzels Your Boat (Remake) - Page 01
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Page 01 of 10
Main plot : kitsuneyoukai
Writing staff for dialog:
kitsuneyoukai, Jewelwriter, CriticalPanda, 1 anonymous boi
i've had this comic remake suggested several times over the years, and i had it on the list of ideas, and it finally won the vote! :V also there was a discord secondary 8-10$ vote to decide fur color/pattern (since i dont do that enough) and this one got picked. :b
most improved panel is just the dang pokeball release scene since it was so unclear what happened XD
i still cant believe i originally had drawn these comic page on a piece of paper really close to the size of a postcard, lol. a stupid habit i carried over from when i was drawing in school =P.
why a feline? because i felt a fox would just come off as a self insert, and i don't want that :V why furry at all? mostly because inkbunny =T doing human would of been way way easier, but i don't like humans much :l originally in the first comic, i hated how the character looked a lot like how i also drew shippo at the time XD
also i felt like putting myself as the person who last the battle XD as you can maybe notice on the screen :P i would of likely had all fox/fire pokemon, so surely i would of had a bad type advantage till the end, lol.
MemberRepost? Id: 4766334
Link - https://e621.net/posts/4766334?q=kitsune_youkai+floatzel
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MemberNot a repost. Alt version.
MemberMay not be a remake, but this version kinda falls flat
MemberHA, boob joke.
MemberFlat floatzel best floatzel
MemberHonestly? I’m always a breast guy, love big breasts on females in art. But… even for me, the original version bugged me, when considering it was a feral and a Floatzel over a humanoid Pokémon such as Gardevoir or Lopunny, even Blaziken. I believe I’ve been into other content with ferals having humanoid breasts, but I just felt those on this were too big and not more appropriate-sized. I mean, on the page when we saw the Floatzel when she was still a Buizel, she didn’t have a chest like she did for the rest of the comic, but you could consider it not being seen due to the angle of her body. But it still bothered me before seeing that, even if her chest size didn’t ruin the whole comic for me.
I’d almost thought Kitsu wasn’t gonna do this version as he said he would before! Guess he just wanted to wait until he finished the original version, before starting this one. I’m curious what it’ll look like on the one page I recall where it looked like the feline fur was actually touching her chest, but that’s a small detail. Definitely looking forward to the coming pages, more than I was the first time! <3
MemberHuh, I didn't know this was something I wanted. I guess when it comes to Pokemon I prefer when they stay closer to their original form. To have their feral shape but then add human boobs is just... Well I know many are into that, but I guess I prefer when it sticks closet to their original form.
MemberI wonder what all the writing on the wall say, it looks like the Lenguage use used in the anime
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MemberSomeone on the submission comment section provided a translation :
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